Chapter Twenty Six

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In the morning I woke up feeling more refreshed than ever and with a smile on my face. I was in Alex's bed, which I was pretty sure I fell asleep in last night.

I didn't remember falling asleep, but I was glad that it was on his bed. I looked over to the little couch along the wall where it looked like Alex had slept.

There was a blanket and a pillow crumpled in the corner and what looked like a note.

I got up and uncovered myself, stretched, and then made my way over to the couch. Alex had mentioned that he had to go to the studio early in the morning to record a song, and I guess that was where he was now.

Dear Sleeping Beauty,

You snore.

Oh, by the way I'm at the studio so call me when you start to miss me too much.

All complete with a winky face and his name signed along with his phone number, even though I already had it. What a funny boy.

I stuck the note in my pocket and grabbed my phone. I needed to go get changed, and maybe just stop by the studio...

Jesus. I'm obsessed.

After walking back into my hotel room and looking in the mirror I cringed. My wild hair was sticking up everywhere and my clothes looked like I had been wearing them for weeks.

After many disapproving looks at myself in the mirror and some scowling I washed my face. After I felt some of my creepiness wash away I changed into a big maroon sweater with a tribal print on it, a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and brown combat boots.

I straightened my curly hair for the second time this week and put it up in a high pony tail. With only putting on mascara I grabbed my phone and walked out of the door.

The ride to the studio was short, due to the fact that I had a personal driver take me and not a cab.

I walked into the small building and was greeted by a very smiley woman with a short brown bob. Taking one of the earbuds out of my ears I smiled.

“Spencer!   Hi!   Nice to meet you, my name is Paula.” she reached over the desk and shook my hand. “Hi! Nice to meet you too. I just came to see Goodbye Celebration do a little bit of recording.”

She got up from the desk and motioned me forward. “Follow me, They're just down the hall.” We walked a few doors down the dimly lit hallway and she turned to one of the doors.

“They're in here. Have fun.” She gave me another smile and cracked the door open for me to go in. “Thank you.”

As soon as I walked in I could hear drums playing. Mark and Vanessa were sitting on a long couch along the wall talking quietly as The recording artist was giving the boys instructions on how to improve their vocals and things like that.

I slipped into the room quietly and shut the door, standing in the corner.

I could see the boys behind the glass smiling and messing around. Alex looked as good as ever, wearing a dark blue tee shirt and jeans that showed off his butt perfectly. They made him look yummy.

I could hear them inside the booth talking to each other, even though they couldn't see anyone outside.

“This one is for my lovely lady...” Alex said, pretending to be seductive. The guys laughed and Jared started playing something on guitar.

“This one is for my lovely mom.” Ryan mocked Alex, earning a slap from the brown haired boy.

Ryan started playing something on the drums that matched what Jared was playing on the guitar. Ah, they were playing a song! Alex turned around and posed, being dramatic as always.

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