Chapter Nine

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“How about we kiss?” Alex asked me with a huge smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes trying my hardest not to blush. Yes. Yes. Yes. “No, too PDA. How about we just slap each others butt?”

I joked Fixing my Black lace skirt and Black stilettos. Alex was trying to come up with a good 'Handshake' type thing. But his handshakes involved someone taking their clothes off or sharing body fluid. Someone I didn't know shoved a microphone in my hands and pushed me in the direction of the stage.

I felt someones hand smack my but, making me turn around glare at Alex. Obviously he didn't understand that I was kidding.. But I hate to admit that I liked it. The beginning music to my song 'Lightweight' started playing as the roaring crowd grew louder.

I swear it felt like someone just shot me up with heroine. The rush to have a crowd calling out your name never gets old. Like skydiving, but safer.

I walked out onto the stage in the darkness. No one would be able to see me until I started singing. Suddenly it was time for me to sing and the spotlight flicked on, making it about 10 degrees hotter.

The slightest words you said,

Have all gone to my head

I hear angels sing, in your voice

When you pull me close,

Feelings I've never known

They mean everything,

And leave me no choice

Light on my heart,

Light on my feet,

Light in your eyes,

I can't even speak

Do you even know,

How you make me weak

I'm a lightweight better be careful what you say

With every word I'm blown away

You're in control of my heart

I'm a lightweight easy to fall easy to break

With every move my whole world shakes

Keep me from falling apart

Make a promise please

You'll always be in reach

Just in case I need

You there when I call (Here when I call)

This is all so new

Seems to good to be true

Could this really be

A safe place to fall

Light on my heart,

Light on my feet,

Light in your eyes,

I can't even speak

Do you even know,

How you make me weak

Oh ohhh

I'm a lightweight better be careful what you say

With every word I'm blown away

You're in control of my heart

I'm a lightweight easy to fall easy to break

With every move my whole world shakes

Keep me from falling apart

Keep me from falling down

Drowned in your love

It's almost all too much

Handle with care

Say you'll be there

Oh, I'm a lightweight better be careful what you say

With every word I'm blown away

You're in control of my heart

I'm a lightweight easy to fall easy to break

With every move my whole world shakes

Keep me from falling apart

Keep me from falling apart

Keep me from falling apart

Oh ohhh

Falling apart

As soon as I stopped singing, the enticing sound of the crowd overwhelmed my senses. A single other sound on earth could not beat this. This is what I'm living for. This is what all those years of singing were for.

This is what Mark made possible for me. I looked over the crowd. Compared to this morning, there were thousands more people filling each and every seat. Selling out arenas in 2.3 minutes. “Wow, there are a LOT of people here tonight!” I said into the microphone, making the crowd erupt into cheers. I ran a hand over my curly hair that was tied neatly into a fishtail braid.

“How are you guys doing tonight?” More cheers. I smiled at nobody in particular. “So I guess you guys have heard...But there are three incredibly hot guys backstage!” The girls sure loved that one. I laughed into the mic. “But right now, I bet they're... Just changing. You know, taking their pants off or something! So I guess we'll get singing!”

I readjusted my mic in my hand and walked over to the big staircase that was just for show. I trailed my hand up the railing as my next song came on. This is it, Spencer. Make it or break it.


Hey guys, if you could vote that would be absolutely fantastic!

Ps. I don't own any of the songs, I'm just not a songwriter... 


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