Chapter Twelve

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“Holy shit Ryan! Look at them! I'm surprised they're still clothed...” I slowly shifted out of my peaceful sleep after hearing the loud voices that seemed to be coming from right beside me. “Take a picture that is sooo blackmail material.”

I heard a second voice say. A flash went off just as I was opening my eyes. Then I realized I couldn't move. I looked around and realized that I was indeed in my bunk, but someone else was with me. Alex.

He was still sleeping with one arm slung around my waist pulling me close and our legs impossibly intertwined. His face was pressed gently into my shoulder, making me shiver slightly at each breath that he released.

My eyes lingered on his face for a second before I turned to look at the two idiots who woke me up. Jared was holding up his phone smiling like an idiot, while Ryan stood there and tried not to laugh. I shot them both a glare and tried to sit up.

“What the hell are you guys doing?” I asked as I tried to remove his hand from my waist. Even though I was really enjoying that position...I looked back up to be greeted by the same stupid smiles.

“Well, I should be asking you guys the same thing, you little sex kitten!” Jared winked at me and lowered his phone.

God, I swear if he shows that to anyone I will personally kill him. “I am not a sex kitten.” I said to Jared, earning a disbelieving look. I'm not sure if he was kidding, or being serious. Its hard to tell. “You're talking to virgin central, here.”

Gesturing to my body I ignored Ryan and Jared laughing and managed to pull his arm from my waist. I could hear Ryan as he walked to what sounded like the back of the bus. “Oh,” Jared spoke, as if just remembering something.

“The wicked bitch of the west called and said that we needed to be ready to stop and eat in about ten minutes...” He glanced down to his arm where he wasn't actually wearing a watch and then back up to me. “And that was about ten minutes ago...”

I mentally rolled my eyes at him as he walked to where Ryan was, leaving me with this gorgeous sleeping boy. Why did I have to fall asleep last night?

I could have talked to him longer instead of just passing out on him. And oh God, did he still think that I liked him? I made him promise that he didn't but that doesn't mean anything.

Glancing back to where our legs were tangled together I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach. He cuddled me last night. Alex Kenton cuddled me for a whole almost 6 hours of unconsciousness.

I mean sure, he probably didn't know what he was doing and who he was doing it to but it still counts, right? I bit my lip as I looked at his face.

He looked so innocent when he slept. So cute and boyish- still like when he was actually awake, but seeing him sleeping just adds to the huge pile of reasons I have the biggest crush on this boy. I totally lied to him last night.

Spencer, stop being so creepy and wake this kid up. You can't just stare at him all day...Or could I? I decided against it and gently started shaking his shoulder.

“Aleexxxx” I sang as he didn't move at all. “Alexxxx, wake up!” I tried again, poking him in the cheek. No response. Man, you would think this boy was comatose. “I'm going to take a bucket of cold water and dump on you.”

I warned, even though he was still totally out. I stretched my legs, trying to remove them from his. “Then Jareds going to come and make out with your lifeless body.” Still no answer. I gave up as I felt the bus come to a stop. Well I better put on some real clothes and make myself presentable.

That's really another thing about being famous. You can't go anywhere dressed like crap or else you would be on the cover of every magazine about how you were pregnant or doing drugs, or dating one of The Rolling Stones.

And yes, apparently Mick and I were having a secret affair. All because I was wearing an old Stones tee shirt. But honestly that had to be the coolest rumor that had ever gone around about me. Not that I started it or anything...I hopped out of the bunk and walked to the back where the boys were probably doing something stupid.

And of course, they were. You see, fans always give us things from tee shirts- to bras. Well, they give the boys bras. Or more like throw them on stage. But anyway, we keep everything that isn't weird or dangerous in a box in the back of the bus.

A really, really, big box. And then Jared and Ryan decide to try to fit as many bras on possible, at one time. I smiled and shook my head. They're really something special.


“How do people even know where we are?” I said to Ryan who was walking beside me into the restaurant. There were people everywhere and I mean everywhere. But luckily they weren't allowed into the actual restaurant unless they were going to buy something.

Ryan tucked his arm around my waist causally, nothing like Alex had down the night before. Alex made me feel all tingly inside....Speaking of Alex, where Is he? I tried to look behind us only to be met with the screaming faces of teenage girls.

Ryan must have known who I was looking for, because he kept pulling me along to the doors of the restaurant. “They're back there. Probably taking pictures with some of them.” I blushed to myself and kept my gaze focused on the doors as we walked.

There were security guards outside the door to keep the fans out but they moved when we went to open the door.

It was incredibly embarrassing that Ryan knew I liked Alex. Even though I'm guessing it's pretty obvious. Mark knew, Ryan knew. I just don't want Alex to find out, because I'm almost positive he has no feelings for me.

Like lower than 0% of a chance with him. So, I don't want him to find out and have the rest of the tour awkward and totally humiliating for me. And I'm sure I would find a way to make it even more awkward than it needs to be.

But it's just a crush, so it'll hopefully wear off. I just need time to get over his hotness and stop fangirling over him.. Then everyone can be just friends.

Ryan led me into the huge restaurant that smelled slightly like smoke, and started walking to the very back. There were a lot of people here for Sunday morning at 9 o’clock, filling in the booths along each wall and the tables in the middle.

Some people turned to stare as we walked past, some smiling and some looking very displeased that we were interrupting their breakfast with screaming fans. I smiled back at some girls who looked really excited and more awake than me.

Ryan gently let go of my waist as we neared the table, probably so Vanessa wouldn't give him the evil eye.

Yes, apparently Vanessa doesn't want the boys to date or even say they have a crush on a celebrity. She wants the fans to feel like they have a chance with them. Because I guess in Vanessa world the fans wouldn't like them as much if they weren’t single.

Ridiculous, if you ask me. Vanessa and Mark were sitting beside each other and were deep in conversation until they saw us approach. Vanessa glanced up at me with a sneer, as Mark stood up to greet us.

He had a weary look on his face, like he had something to tell me. “I'm gunna hit the restroom. Don't start without me.” Ryan winked and walked to the back of the restaurant.


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Thank ya so much Xx

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