Chapter Four

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I flung my clothes on my bed and walked into the bathroom. I need to get something on these cuts. I twisted around to look at them. They're probably going to get infected now, after all the sand and germs that went into my cuts.

I cringed as my bathing suit rubbed into them. I hope I never see Oliver again. Hopefully he doesn't go to the concert. Although I don't think he knows about it. Or he didn't until I told him.

I turned on my shower, adjusting the water to a hot temperature. I stripped off my wet bikini and stepped in, enjoying the warmth on my freezing skin. I turned so the water hit my cuts. The dried blood washed away leaving a sharp stinging pain. After I washed I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself.

I threw on some sweatpants and a tee shirt and jumped onto the down bed. This is going to be a long tour.


I woke up to a light tapping on my door. I groggily rolled out of bed and stumbled to the door, opening it in one swift movement. “What do you want?” I asked lazily as Alex stood by the door. Who wakes people up in the middle of the night?

Stalkers and serial killers. That's who. He looked amazing for probably just waking up with his hair windswept to the side and his shirtless body looking amazing as ever...

“Get your bikini on.” He ordered with a smile. “Why?” I asked, tiredly rubbing my face. He pushed me back into the room, slapping my but on the way.

Or was I just dreaming that? I blushed anyway, walking into the bathroom and stripping off my clothes. I slipped on my bikini and splashed water on my face waking me up more. I pulled my messy hair back into a bun, settling for its frizzy look.

I walked back out into the living room and over to the door. He was standing with his back to me looking at something in the hallway.

I forced myself to look away from his cute back and walked out the door. He looked over, finally realizing I was there and smile. He grabbed my hand making my heartbeat increase drastically.

He took off running down the hallway, trudging me after him. The elevator came into view as we quietly escaped down the hallway. Alex stopped, pressing the down button repeatedly with his free hand. I let out a giggle, hesitantly glancing at his face.

He was biting his lip and staring at the elevator door, a smile clearly on his face. My heartbeat increased even more as I realized that he was still holding my hand.

I have no idea where hes taking me. Or why I have to wear my bikini. Or why he's holding my hand. But I don't really need a reason for the last one.

The elevator opened and we stepped in. He still didn't let go. He didn't talk in the elevator, just stared forward. I tapped my bare foot on the dirty ground as we rode down in the elevator.

The door opened and he ran out again, dragging me behind him. I stumbled as he let me through a hallway and across the tiled floor. He went into a dark room and shut the door behind me.

The room had a huge glass side that the moon was shining through, and looked like it was reflecting off of...Water? The pool! He grinned at me as he walked over to the hot tub. Finally letting go of my hand he gestured me in.

I stood on the side for a second having an internal struggle. Should I really be getting in a pool with a hot guy? No. Am I going to? Hell yeah. I Walked over to the very side and dipped my foot in. It was surprisingly hot. I pulled my foot back and frowned at the water.

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