Chapter Twenty Eight

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Ahhhhh First off let me just say sorry for being MIA almost a month, but hopefully this makes up for it! And ahhhh secondly 10,000 reads are you kidding me this is so awesome and it makes me so happy! :) I LOVE YOU ALL

A couple of hours later I woke up to a poking at my face. My neck was twisted at an odd angle against the plane window, causing a cramp when I tried to turn.

“Wakey, wakey.” Ed poked me again and I groaned as I twisted my neck back around to look at him. That would hurt later.

His hair looked messier than ever, but still put together. I bet mine just looked like a rats nest. Ed informed me that the plane was getting ready to land, so I gathered my things.

Ed kept looking at me from the corner of his eye, and when he did it for the fifth time I turned toward him. “Yes?”

He slipped his phone back into his pocket and then looked me dead in the eye.

“Sometimes two people can be so blind that neither of them wants to acknowledge whats going on. Sometimes you have to be the person to break out of that fear and blindness and take a chance.”

I smiled at this very wise and smart man. He could definitely give the best advice. “Thank you.” He just smiled, looking out into the aisle like he was being shy now.

“Are you going to use those words in a song now?” He did that thing where he just looked out of the corner of his eye and smiled. “Maybe.”

We got off the plane and hugged kind of awkwardly. I hadn't got the chance to hug my idol yet and I wanted to.

We went our separate ways as I carried my heavy carry on through the hot airport. Weather in CA compared to NY is quite the difference. I tried to make my way through the sea of people but everyone was shoving and one person even elbowed me in the boob.

I tried to look for Greg, or at least a place to sit, but it was pretty packed.

I stopped in the middle of everyone and put my big pink bag down on the floor. I pulled my phone out and dialed Gregs number. It rang twice before he answered.

“Spence! My favorite girl. Where are you.” He sounded much more enthusiastic than whenever I called him earlier.

“Hey Greg. I'm actually- wait..I think I see you.” I watched a head of dark black hair walk towards me, until I saw his bright blue eyes. He took the phone away from his ear and wrapped his long arms around me.

Greg and Avery were definitely brother and sister. They had the same hair and face shape, even though Greg was much taller and more muscular. He squeezed me and I hugged back. I was happy to finally have something familiar back into my life.

“God you look hot nowadays.” He looked me up and down, a teasing smile on his face. I slapped his arm and we started walking. “I was just home like a month ago..”

Even though I had avoided him...He grabbed a curl that fell down my back and pulled on it. “Look how long you're hair is. My god. Touring is making you into a supermodel.”

I slapped him again, this time harder. “Oh shut up. Stop trying to get laid Greg.” He laughed loudly, his boisterous personality showing through.

“Are you saying that its working?” I just rolled my eyes until I spotted someone with a camera. I pulled the beanie down on my head and slipped the glasses on again.

I couldn't get caught with Greg. I wasn't sure how much people knew about Greg and I considering that I stayed away from magazines with my face on it.

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