Chapter thirty two

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Avery and I got our pajamas on and curled up on her bed by her tv, watching reruns of Greys Anatomy.

"Christina and Owen belong together"
"Yeah but Christina is just too stubborn to admit it."

"Owen is cute for an old guy, right?"
"Yeah I mean he's ok. He's pretty buff."
"Just ok? I'm sure Alex looks better shirtless, right?"

She looked over at me and smiled, all of the jealousy gone from her voice.

"Ave you joke but my god have you ever seen him shirtless? It's very dreamy."

"I bet you can't wait until you get to touch those abs, huh."

I sighed and lowered my face down into my pillow.

"He doesn't love me though. I don't think he ever will."

Avery started laughing at my dramatics and pulled me up by my ponytail.

"How will you ever find out if he loves you if you never tell him how you feel? Maybe you're the Christina who doesn't know how to show her feelings."

I thought about what she was saying. It did make sense.. How would I know if he felt the same way if he never knew how I feel?

"You actually make sense."

Avery laughed and threw her head back. It was good to see her smiling again.

"I'm going to call him right now." She nodded her head encouragingly. "Yes! Go tell him how you feel"

"Okay! Yeah I will. "

I jumped off of the couch with my cell phone in hand.

This is it... This is it...

I clicked on his contact and hit the 'voice call' button.

My heart pounded in my ears as I waited for an answer.

After a couple of seconds of torturous waiting, there was an answer.

"Hellooo?" But it wasn't Alex's voice. Instead it was Jared, sounding very drunk and very enthusiastic.

"Hey Jared.. Isn't this Alex's phone?"

Music was playing in the background so it was very hard to hear his voice. They must be at a club.. Or a party.

"Oh yeah Alex. Alex. Alex....hes a great kid. Good head on his shoulders. Good hair on his head... Good-"

"Jared where are you even at?"

The phone cut out a couple of times, so I didn't catch what he was saying.

"Hello? Jared?"

There was a second when the phone made a reall loud sound like It was being dropped from his hand.


I laughed at the weirdness of the whole situation. "Ryan? What's going on?"



"Oh hey. I didn't know Jared was actually talking to anyone. He just passed out on the floor by the way."

"Wow, sounds like a rager."

"Oh yeah you know how Jared is with his alcohol."

I smiled as I imagined Jared on the floor in the midst of people dancing.

"Who's party are you at?"

A loud roar of screams erupted from his end of the line.

"One of Alex's friends from Cali is visiting. It's their party."

"So what has he been up to?.." I tried to act casual but I don't think it worked.

"You're asking what Alex is doing? He's getting drinks for us right now, he should be back soon."

I thought about what I was going to tell Alex and now it felt like a very very bad idea. I didn't want to tell him in front of all his friends while he's slightly drunk and busy.

"That's okay actually. I won't bother you guys, you sould like you're having fun."

"Spence, you wanna tell me something just spit it out." He laughed at the end of his sentence but I could tell he was asking me seriously.


"Yeah, Spence?"

"I'm in love with Alex."

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