Chapter Two

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An hour later we were all sitting on the couch watching some show on the big screen. I was sitting by Jared now. I'm to afraid to sit by Alex. I know I shouldn't be, but it just feels weird. I just don't want to fall for him and get hurt. Or hurt him.

Jared started making popping sounds in his mouth, focusing straight at the TV. This is what I love about Jared. He's so restless. He has to be doing something, making fun of someone, or cracking a joke. He keeps us all laughing.

“I'm about to tear my eyes out.” He leaned back on the couch and let out a loud groan. Alex rolled his eyes, and muttered something that sounded a lot like “Drama queen”. Ryan was laying down and I'm pretty sure sleeping. He hasn't moved for quite some time. “Go do something.” I said, bringing my knees up to my chest. “Like what? Jump off the bus?”

I smiled at his expression. He was looking at me like I'm crazy. There has to be something you can do on a tour bus, right? “I don't know, get drunk or something.” He smiled, shaking his head. He exchanged a glance with Alex, who gave the same smile back.

“I think you just want to get Alex drunk so he'll bang you.” Anger boiled up inside me, along with embarrassment. How can guys just say these things and not expect to get kicked in the balls?! “I don't have to get someone drunk to have sex with me.” I crossed my arms across my chest and glared at him.

He snorted and gave me a smile. “Oh believe me I know.” He put his hand on my shoulder and shoved me gently. What does he mean? “But it'll hurt your first time.” He winked and faced the TV again. How did he know it would be my first time? And what did he mean by 'Oh believe me I know'?

“How- Why do you think I'm a virgin?” I demanded my face getting hot from the anger and embarrassment. I can feel Alex staring at me. Don't look. Don't look. Jared looked back at me his face totally serious. “You can just tell. Can't you Alex?” His eyes glanced over to Alex. I took a quick glance at him. He was staring at the TV, trying to pretend he wasn't listening.

He turned his head and faked a confused look. “What did you say, Jared?” His eyes showed amusement and flicked over to me. He smiled, making my heart beat a little faster. I smiled, and probably blushed, while Jared still stared at Alex.

He winked, making a giggle escape my mouth. Jared snapped his head over to me, his eyebrows furrowing with confusion. “You're strange.” He shook his head, turning back to the TV.


“Hey. Hey. Hey. Spencer. Spencer. Spencer.” I covered my head with my blanket and groaned. I hate when people wake me up. I was having this awesome dream that I was touring with Goodbye Celebration. And the Alex in my dream looked pretty hot.

I opened my eyes to the sexy man from my dreams. I let out a scream and jumped up. My heartbeat increased, but not because of his looks. “God...” I put my hand over my heart and tried to calm down. “You scared the SHIT out of me!”

He smiled and looked down at my bed. “Sorry.” He stretched his arms out on my blanket, staring at his hands. “Why exactly did you wake me up?” I asked him, running my hands through my knotted hair. He looked up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes and smirked.

“Well you were moaning and saying my name over and over again.” My jaw dropped to the floor. Was I really saying his name? And...Moaning?! I felt the heat rise up to my face. I wish this bunk would just swallow me into the ground, wiping my existence off of earth.

Then I realized he was kidding. He slightly bit his lip, making him look incredibly sexy. That stupid innocent looking face! He could tell me anything and I would believe it!

“Damn, You're just as bad as Jared!” I hit him on his arm, his gorgeous, muscular arm. This boy is fit. Perfect. Amazing. Hot. Everything. He shook his head making some of his golden hair fall into his face.

“We're in Virginia. I just thought I would wake you up before Jared sexually assaults you in your sleep. Again.” I nodded, fighting the smile that was about to appear on my face. Last night Jared climbed into my bunk while I was sleeping and stared at me until I woke up. It was pretty disturbing. Not that his face disturbs me, it was just his staring.

Creepy. Alex stared at me for a second, his eyes burning into mine. I forced myself to look away, and so did he. This is going to be hard. Very hard.


“When I met you girl my heart when knock knock. Now these butterflies in my stomach won't stop stop.” Jared bumped his hip against mine and continued singing. He was an okay singer, just not as good as Alex. “Your WORLD is my WORLD!”

He made his voice higher, kind of like screeching. Alex turned around and shot us a worried look before he turned down the hallway in the hotel. “You like Justin Beiber?” I asked raising one eyebrow at him. He smirked and adjusted the many things he was carrying. “Hell yeah. I've got BEIBER FEVER!”

I shook my head, laughing. “Okay guys, your rooms are all right next to each other. Vanessa and I are beside you guys too.” Marks voice echoed through the hallway.

He was standing next to Goodbye Celebrations manager, Vanessa, and holding out our key cards. “Awe but I wanted to sleep with Spencer.” Ryan winked at me, while Jared wolf whistled. I rolled my eyes at them.

Mark laughed, staring at Ryan. His expression was totally harmless and I knew he was kidding.”Go for it, dude.” Mark handed Ryan his key card while Ryan grinned like an idiot. My jaw dropped to the floor. Of all people, Mark was saying that. Or thinking that. Or both.

“What the hell Mark?!” I laughed from the embarrassment. He gave me a confused look and smiled. “But I thought you liked them?” They were all looking at me now. Alex with his big brown eyes. Jared, with his suggestive smile. Ryan, with his cocky attitude.

“Of course I do, but I don't want to sleep with them!” Okay so it was kind of a lie. Not a full on lie. I don't actually want to sleep with anyone. But it's not like they aren't the kind of people I would consider...

“You just want to sleep with Alex.” Jared pointed out, his face totally serious. I balled my fist up and swung at his arm. As soon as my fist hit his arm he jumped back cringing in pain.

“What the hell?!” He pouted his bottom lip out and frowned, looking at me. I gave him a quick smile. “You deserve it.” He looked down at his arm with the same expression on his face. I can't get over how perfect Avery and Jared would be together.

They just had the looks and personality that seem to totally clash, but makes them even better together. Alex glanced at me, a shy smile on his face. Wait? Shy? He must just be weirded out that Jared said I wanted to sleep with him.

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