Chapter Twenty four

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Once we 'snuck out' and got back to the car, I glanced over at Alex with a smile. “You still payed didn't you?” He gave me a guilty look as I laughed.

Of course he wouldn't just walk out of there without paying.

That would be so unlike him. I rested back into his leather seats, suddenly feeling pretty tired. “I have to admit something..”

Alex spoke quietly in the darkness, filling up the car with that only sound.

“Yeah?” I looked over at him even though it was getting hard to see his face in the dark. Oh god, he's going to say that he made the whole thing up; that he doesn't want to talk to me again...

“I actually hate fancy restaurants.” I sighed in relief. “Good, I don't either. I never have actually.”

I could just picture him whipping his head around to look at me in the dark. “You don't like fancy restaurants?” “Nope. I would much rather have a big mac and a tub of ice cream.”

I thought I heard him mutter something along the lines of “God you're perfect..” but I could have been mistaken. “What was that?”

I whispered with a smile on my face. “Nothing.” He muttered, humor laced in his voice. In a way that sounded like 'you now what I said.'

A good silence filled the car almost making me fall asleep from watching the lights pass by. Alex was softly humming a song which didn't really help with the falling asleep thing.

It was an absolutely gorgeous song though, and sounded sort of similar. “What song is that?” I asked breaking the silence in the car. He looked over as we passed by a store that cast shadows across his face. “Just a song I wrote.”

“Hmm.” I nodded, watching as the shadows danced across the side of his face.

There was something very angelic and peaceful about him. He made me feel safe, and most importantly he makes me smile. So is this crush I have on him real? Or is it just my fangirling side that likes him? Hmm.. how would I even tell?

“You're staring.” He stated, not even looking at me. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

“You're delusional.” He chuckled; his deep voice booming throughout the car. “No, I'm cute.” I snorted, which apparently he thought was funny.

“Did you seriously just call yourself cute? That's like calling a drug dealer a doctor.”

I could faintly see him shake his head in the dark. “Geeze, kitten. Claws away; ME-OW! You can just admit that I'm cute.”

I just bit my lip knowing that any comeback I could think of would be useless with Alex. Alex soon pulled into a gas station and parked in front.

“What are we doing here?” He gave me a look like I should already know what he was thinking. “I was serious about the ice cream. Lets go get some.”

I nodded and jumped out of the car, not caring anymore that I had a huge grape juice stain on the front of my dress.

He led me in to the nice air conditioned place and to the very back where they kept the Ben&Jerrys. After looking over the selection in the wall lined freezers he pulled out 'Half Baked' while I went for the 'Red Velvet'.

He looked down at my tub of ice cream and nodded his head in approval. “Nice choice.” I nodded back at him as we tapped the cartons together.

“Thank you sir.” He winked at me, leading us back to the front where the registers were. We both set them down as a teen boy who was around our age came to ring us up.

He wasn't a bad looking guy, but nothing compared to any of the boys from Goodbye Celebration. He had blond hair slicked back with a name tag that read 'Greg'. And he was currently staring at me with his mouth open.

“Hi..” I said, smiling tightly. He nodded at me and cleared his throat. “Um...Hey there.” I watched as Alex rolled his eyes at the guy and threw down a bill. “Keep the change.”

He didn't touch the money, just handed the bag over with a look of awe on his face. “Uh.. Bye Sp- Spencer.” Alex grabbed my arm and led me out of there before I even had time to laugh.

“Lighten up Darvis. He wasn't very threatening.”

Alex and I got back into his car and he turned to look at me.

“He was just standing there checking you out!” I laughed at the joke in my head. “Yeah, he's a cashier.”

Alex gave me a blank look. “Don't you notice how guys look at you?”

I shook my head, kind of worried as to where this conversation was going. “They look at you like your some kind of object that they can have.”

He was practically fuming now, although I didn't know why. Guys stare at me all the time just because I'm famous. I wanted to ask him a question, but I was debating on if it would be to strange. “How do you look at me, Alex?”

His brown eyes made me feel breathless for a split second before he answered. “I look at you like you're Spencer.”

Somehow that was the answer I wanted to hear, but at the same time it made me feel sick to my stomach.  


Ahh sorry I haven't updated in soooo long! I was getting in the Christmas spirit ;) 

Lets try to get this to 3,000 reads, eh? I think that would be AMAZING! How did you like their date? Comment to let me know how you feel about Spencers awkwardness. HAHA, but Alex is so cute <3 

Don't forget to vote ;) 

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