part 4. trust

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A couple days later
*Narrator's POV*
Betty it trying to trust Jughead. B"can you take her to ballet class?" J"yeah of course." B"thank you." J"your welcome." Jughead takes Olivia to ballet class. A couple hours later, right after ballet class, Olivia asks to go to the park and he takes her to the park. Betty, on the other hand was really worried, why haven't they come back yet and why didn't Jughead text. She was pacing around the house. 30 minutes later Jughead comes in the house with Olivia. B"omg bunny." Betty ran to her a gave her a big hug. B"where have you been?" Betty looked up at Jughead in anger. O"we went to the park." B"ok did you have fun?" O"yeah Juggie played with me on the playground." B"go play in your room bunny." O"ok mama." She runs to her room.

B"I trusted you with the only thing that I love most in my life." J"im sorry, I shouldn't have done that." B"you should have called me or texted me or something, or you should've answered my call and texts." J"im sorry Betty my phone died when we were at ballet class." B"you had me really scared, you know im trying to trust you and it hard if you go off, doing things I don't know about, she is my life and I'm trusting you with her and that a big deal." Jughead walks up to betty and takes her hands. J"I would never let anything happen to Olivia, ok, and I will never do anything without asking again." B"thank you, I dont know what all happen if I lose her." J"yeah, I love her to much to have anything happen to her. I promise." B"you love her?" J"yeah ever since I met her and I really want her to know that I'm her dad." B"i don't want you to leave her again." J"I won't, I promise, ever since I met her, I can't stay away from her she has a big personality." B"yeah she does, I think we should tell her your her day, I think I'm ready." J"yeah, I am ready."

Olivia comes running out of her room. O"mommy, Jug can you come play with me?" B"actually bunny we need to talk." Jughead picks her up and takes her to the couch. Betty sits on the couch next to Jughead. O"are you and Jug dating?" B"no bunny, but it is about Jughead." O"what is it mama?" B"Jughead is your dad." Olivia opened her mouth wide and didn't say anything. J"are you ok." O"i never had a dad before, this is so exciting." She smiles really big. J"yeah, im really trying to make up for lost time." O"you are already the best dad." Betty had some tears in her eyes. Olivia runs to her room. J"betty are you ok?" B"yeah, its just, I've always dreamed of this, us being a family, we're a little different but we are still a family." J"yeah, I love this feeling too, I guess the reason I left that day is because I went to see my father and he told me that I would be horrible father and he got to my head, making me think about life." B"i always thought you were going to be great father, it was just hard for me because you left and I was missing to so much." J"do you ever think we'll get back together?" B"there was I time I did but eventually I thought, he's never coming back, your kid will grow up without a father, you'll never find love again." J"im really sorry and I'm sorry for not helping you through those hard times." B"well you are here now."

660 words not including this

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