part 10. a happy family

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That same night on Olivia's birthday
B"omg, that was amazing, this day was just the best." J"yeah, Olivia had a good day." B"yeah, her being happy, makes me happy." J"yeah, I love her, and I didn't say it back earlier, but I love you too." Betty kisses him and they have more fun.😏

The next morning
Betty wakes up and makes breakfast and Olivia wakes up from the smell and she runs to the kitchen. O"what you makin mama?" B"some waffles." O"mmm, I wove waffles." B"im finished making breakfast can you go get daddy?" O"ok mama." Olivia runs to Jugheads room. O"daddy wake up mama maked breakfast." J"ok, im up." O"ok." Olivua ran back to the kitchen and Betty picked her up and put her in her chair and put her plate in front of her. Jughead walked into the kitchen. J"what did my beautiful girlfriend make for breakfast?" O"WAFFLES!" Olivia shouts with food in her mouth. Betty and Jughead laugh. Jughead walks up to Betty. He puts his hands on her waist and she puts her arms around his neck. J"good morning baby." B"good morning." Jughead kisses Betty. B"I know you want some." J"I do." Jughead said and let go of her and took a plate and sat at the table. Betty laughs. B"my two baby's." O"hey we not babys." J"yeah what Olivia said." Betty smiled. Betty took her plate and sat down at the table. They all finished there breakfast.

O"I want to go to the pawk mama." B"ok let mama clean you up and then we will go ti the park." O"ok." Betty got a wipe nad cleaned her hands and face. B"ok let's get you changed for the park. They all get ready for the park. They get to the park. O"mama can you push me on the swing, please?" B"of course bunny." Betty puts Olivia on the swing and pushes her. Jughead is sitting on the bench talking to some girl. Betty is clearly jealous.

The girl was flirting with him, but he didn't notice, he thought she was being friendly, so he is being friendly too. R"so you are in college?" J"yeah this is my last year." R"i go to college too, we should exchange numbers to keep in touch." J"thats cool that you go to college, but I can't give you my number." R"why not?"

B"bunny can you go get daddy for me?" O"yes mama." Betty helps Olivia off the swing and Olivia runs to him.

O"daddy!" Olivia shouts running up to him. Olivia gets to him and hugs him. R"if this is why, it's ok, I love kids." J"no, not really." O"mommy said she wants you to come play with us." R"oh." Riley looks back. R"your wife doesn't have to know." J"no, I love my family and I'm not ruining that for you." O"yeah daddy loves mama." R"whatever." Jughead picks Olivia up and walks over to Betty.

O"mama that girl said that daddy doesn't wove you, but is ok because daddy told her that he woves his famiwy and that she could leave us alone." B"is that right?" Betty looks at Jughead with a smile. O"yes he said he don't want to ruin our family for her." Jughead put Olivia down and she ran to play. Betty put her arms around Jugheads neck and kisses him. B"im so glad that I let you back in my life and trusted you, because now I know that I really truly trust you and believe in you." J"I told you I would never do anything to ruin this  family again and that's the truth." B"I believe you." Betty kisses him again. They play for a while and they go home. When they get home they eat lunch and watch movies most of the day and play with Olivia.

B"ok bunny bed time." O"i don't want to go to bed." B"but you have to its bet time." O"no!" Betty gives her the stare. B"lets go to bed right now." Betty picks Olivia up and put her in her bed and tucks her in. B"goodnight bunny." O"goodnight mama." She falls asleep. Betty goes to her room and gets ready for bed. Betty and Jughead cuddle up and watch more movies before they go to bed.

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