part 13. christmas

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*Christmas eve*

*narrator's POV*
Betty and Jughead take Olivia to see Santa at the mall. O"mama i wanna see Santa." B"i know bunny but we have to wait in line because all of these other kids want to see him too." O"it feels so long, I can't wait."

*a couple minutes later*
Olivia is siting on Santa's lap. They took pictures. S"what do you want for Christmas?" O"well I have everything that I want, my mama is finally happy and I get to have baby sister or brother soon, I dont know when but mama said, and I finally have a dad, he makes my mama so happy, so maybe some more dollies so I get to play with them with the babies." S"thats so sweet, of course Santa will get you some dollies, I'll make sure of it." O"thank you santa." S"of course darling."

They go home and do some decorating and baking. Betty and Jughead are watching her put some of the ornaments on the tree. B"every year she puts the star on the tree, of course I always had to hold her up so she could do it."

B"its time to put the star up bunny." O"yaay!" Jughead gives her the star and lifts her up and she puts it on. B"perfect."

They are baking cookies and Olivia is siting on the counter helping them. Jughead throws some flour at Betty. B"hey, why did you do that?" Jughead shrugs. Betty then throws flour at Jughead. J"oh ok, so that's how it's gonna be, Olivia." Olivia throws four at Betty. B"bunny you're on daddy side?" Olivia smiles. J"yes because she loves daddy." Jughead takes Olivia of the counter, knowing what Betty was about to do. J"run!" Jughead ran with Olivia. Olivia laughing and giggling. Betty ran after them and caught Olivia. O"daddy help." Jughead smiled and shrugged his shoulders at her. Betty laughs and put Olivia down. O"Daddy why didn't you help?" J"your mama is scary." Betty smiles. O"yeah I know." They finished the cookies. O"santa will love these cookies." B"he sure will because they were made by you." O"i want some cookies mama." Olivia wines. B"first of all thats not how you ask-" O"can I have some cookies pwease?" B"one cookie, because we are going to have dinner soon." O"ok mama." Betty gives her a cookie. O"yuumm!" Olivia says with her mouth full of cookies.

B"its bedtime Olivia." O"but I don't want to go to sleep." B"come on Olivia we are not playing this game tonight." O"i don't want to go to bed." B"Olivia Grace, it's time for bed!" O"no." Betty looks at Jughead in anger. J"if you don't go to bed Santa won't come and you won't have any presents." Olivia just up and goes to her bed, Jughead tucks her in and gives her a kiss. J"good night princess." He says as she falls asleep. Jughead goes to his room to find Betty in bed. B"thank you, she is a pain sometimes and the stress isn't good for the babies." J"you're welcome." He says getting in bed. Betty cuddles him and falls asleep.

*the next morning*

Olivia jumps in Betty and Jugheads bed. O"WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP! ITS CHRISTMAS MAMA!" B"bunny it is 6 in the morning, can you please just wait another hour?" Olivia plops in between Betty and Jughead and falls back to sleep instantly. Betty hold Olivia in her arms while they are sleeping.

Betty wakes up with no one in the bed with her. She tries to get out of bed andgets light headed. Jughead comes in. J"Betty." He goes to her and helps her back in her bed. J"be careful." B"i just got oq¹ut of my bed, I didn't do anything." J"ok well stay in bed for today, just incase something happens." B"Jughead it's Christmas, I need to be there for Olivia." J"well I don't want anything to happen to the babies." B"neither do I but it's Christmas." J"just stay in bed." Betty pouts. Olivia comes in. O"i wanna open presents." B"did she eat breakfast?" J"no we didn't we were waiting for you to wake up." O"im hungry." B"ok bunny, were going to eat." O"ok mama." Olivia crawls in her bed and hugs Betty. B"merry Christmas bunny." O"merry Christmas mama." Olivia kisses Betty. Jughead brings breakfast in. J"since I don't want you to get out of bed we can eat in here." Betty rolls her eyes. B"fine." They eat. O"i wanna open presents." J"ok." Jughead takes Olivia to the living room.

Olivia opens her big present. O"yaay, a big doll house." Betty comes in the living room. B"omg I missed it." J"Betty, you should be in bed." B"Jughead I'm not going to be laying in bed on Christmas and missing it." J"ok then sit on the couch." Betty sits on the couch. Olivia opens another present, its small. O"a necklace?" She asked confused. Betty got up and went to Olivia. B"its a locket." Betty opened it. B"one side has my and daddy and the other is you."  Olivia hugs Betty. O"thank you mommy, but I don't want me in it." B"why?" Olivia puts her hands on Bettys belly. O"babies." B"aww, just leave you in until the babies come." O"ok mama." Betty tries to get up but is having trouble. Jughead helps her up and she sits back on the couch. B"thank you."

Veronica comes over. V"here." She gave a present to Olivia. O"yay!"
She rips open the present fast. O"a tablet, thank you aunt V!" Betty looks at Veronica. V"what, only the best for my neice." B"Olivia, you can only play on it when me or daddy say you can, give it to me please." Olivia gives Betty the tablet. O"ok mommy."

Veronica is still here. Betty and Veronica were talking and Olivia was playing with her dolls, Jughead was getting some food. O"mama, can I play on the tablet?" B"yeah, here." She hands her the tablet. She runs to the living room. Jughead gets the food and they eat lunch.

1094 words not including this.
I wanted to post this on Christmas but I was a little busy. -C✌🥰

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