part 29. veronicas baby boy

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A couple months later July

The twins don't keep Betty up as much anymore and liv has been helping out too and Jughead does as much as he could.

Veronicas POV
Im cleaning up around the house and Archie is at work. It is a couple days past my due date, I can't wait to meet him. I remember in high school I never thought I would have any kids and to be honest never thought I would ever get married. I thought I would ever feel this way about someone or having a child, but it's the best feeling in the world. I can't wait to have this child and get married to Archie.

A couple hours later I call up Betty. B"hey v, whats up?" V"hey, nothing really, I just can't wait to meet my baby boy." B"yeah, when you meet him it would be the best feeling ever." V"yeah I was just thinking about that, how just a couple years ago, I never thought this would be my life." B"yeah it's crazy isn't it?" V"yeah, I love this feeling." B"well do you have a name for my little nephew?" V"yeah, we picked out a few we liked, but you have to wait and see." B"i can't wait to meet him." V"you will soon, anyway, how are the twins?" B"they are good, they don't keep me up as much as they used to, so I'm getting more sleep." V"thats good." B"yeah and liv helps alot." V"thats so adorable, she has such a good heart." B"yeah she does, just like her daddy." V"well I'm going to let you go and do what you have to ok, I'll talk to you later." B"ok v, talk to you later." I hang up and make lunch.

A couple hours later
No ones POV
Archie comes home. A"hey roni I'm home." V"im in the room, but I made lunch, it's on the kitchen table." She yells from the room. Archies eats his lunch and walks in the doorway. A"hows the baby?" V"hes good, and coming any day now." A"well how are you?" V"goo- ow, ow, oh wow." A"are you ok? Do we need to go to the hospital? Is the baby coming?" V"first." She groans in pain holding her stomach. V"first, calm down Archie." A"ok babe sorry." They both take deep breaths. V"and yeah we need to go to the hospital ow, right now." A"ok let's go." They grab the hospital bags and get in the car and go to the hospital.

At the hospital Veronica calls Betty.
B"hey v, whats up?" V"hey I just wanted to tell you that I'm having the baby." B"omg really!" V"yeah really soon, I'm glad I got to the hospital when I did, they say 9cm right now." B"wow, definitely keep me updated and when he is here because I want to meet him." V"of course B just wanted to let you know that he's coming soon." B"ok talk to you later I have to feed the twins, I love you." V"ok, I love you too."They hang up and she calls Cheryl and tells her and Toni that the baby is coming soon also.

A couple hours later
D"the baby is ready to come, are you ready?" V"yeah." She looks at Archie. V"we are going to have a baby." She smiles. A"i can't wait to meet him." V"same." D"ok time to bring the baby into this world." Veronica looks into archies eyes and starts pushing.

Hours later
The baby starts crying. D"here's your baby boy." The doctor put him on her chest and Archie cut the umbilical cord. V"welcome to the world Henry Oliver Andrews."
Minutes later Betty and Olivia come into the hospital room. O"aunt vv!" Olivia jumped on the hospital bed. B"liv be careful." Veronica laughs. V"shes fine, come here liv, look at your cousin Henry." O"he is so cute auntie." V"you want to hold him B?" B"of course I do." Betty takes henry. B"hey buddy, im Betty your new best friend." He starts crying. Betty rocks him. B"shh!" She whispers. V"its time to feed him." Betty give him back to Veronica. She feeds him.


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Liked by Betty_Cooper and 290 others
V...Lodge welcome to the world Henry Oliver Andrews. My baby I never would've thought I would want to happen to me many years ago.

V"where is Cheryl and Toni?" B"they had to wrap things up, they said they will be here shortly." There is a knock at the door. V"come in." Cheryl and Toni walk in. C"we had to bring abby." She runs in. A"veronica!" She jumps on the bed. C"hey Abby! You need to be careful." V"you and Olivia are quite the same." She laughs. T"can we meet the little guy?" V"he's in the bed, you can take him out." T"yay." She whisper shouts walking to the bed. She picks up Henry. A"can I see mama, plz!" T"come sit over here." Abby sits on the couch. T"here, but you gotta be gentle." Toni gives the baby to Abby. A"he is so cute." Half an hour later Cheryl, Toni and Abby leave.

920 words not including this

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