part 5. flashbacks

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A couple days later
Narrator's POV
Betty and Jughead are talking and Olivia is in her room playing. J"i want to know how you raised her on your own?" B"thats the thing I didn't i had and will always have Veronica."

A couple weeks after birth.
Veronica is over my house and Olivia is crying alot I don't think I can do this. B"V, I dont think I can do this." V" B, you're not alone ok, im here." B"I just feel alone without Jughead, like why would he bail on me at the last minute?" V"I don't know B, but I will do anything for my precious God daughter." Veronica takes Olivia and she stops crying. B"omg! Thank you, you must have the mommy touch." V"I don't know I never really liked babys." I just look at her. V"I love Olivia." We laugh.
*end of flashback*

J"well im glad you had Veronica." B"yeah me too or I would've given up, like this one other time."

Olivia is 2.
B"liv, you can't play with that." O"yes, I can." B"liv put it down!" O"no." She violently shakes her head. V"olivia Grace Jones! Listen to your mother." She puts it down and runs to her room. B"why doesn't she listen to me?" V"she will eventually, she's going through the terrible twos." B"yeah I can see that." V"it will be easier, trust me." B"thank you." She hugs me. V"what are best friends for."
*end of flashback*

J"wow, she was a bad child." B"not really, we did have good times." J"can you tell me something you would do again or your favorite memory." B"its not my favorite memory but..."

Olivia is 3
O"mommy can we watch a movie." She said with cute eyes. B"of course bunny." I put on a movie and she laid in my arms. We watched a couple movies and she fell asleep in my arms, it was the best feeling. Veronica is not here, but it felt nice. I came to terms that Jughead is not coming back and I will probably never see him again.
*end of flashback*

J"thats cute." B"yeah, its was the moment, I felt like you where never coming back, and ever since, I have anyways been focused on Olivia, she is my reason to live." J"I swear, I would never put you through that again." B"I don't know Jughead, I have a wierd feeling something bad is going to happen." J"please don't over think, im here and never leaving." He picks her head up and they stare into each others eyes. He looked at her in reassurance. Betty leans in. O"mommy, im hungry." B"ok bunny." Olivia grabs Bettys hand they start walking to the kitchen. J"ok, I will see you guys tomorrow." Betty let's go of Olivia's hand and walks over to Jughead and grabs his hand. B"can you stay, for tonight, I want you to stay." J"of course, ill sleep in the guest room." Betty walks back over to Olivia and she starts cooking dinner. Jughead goes to get his things.

Jughead comes back and dinner is done. They sit at the table and eat dinner like a family. Betty was really happy. This was her dream ever since she had Olivia. They finish eating dinner. B"ok bunny, its time for bed." O"can you and daddy tuck me in?" J"of course sweetie." Jughead picks her up and flies her to her room, Betty following, and flops her on the bed. Betty starts tickling her. O"stop mama!" She says out of breath from laughing. Betty stops tickling her and throws the blanket over her. Both Betty and Jughead tuck her in and Betty turns on her night light. Jughead and Betty walk out. B"good night bunny." J"we love you." Betty just looks at Jughead. They shut the door.

J"ok good night." He walks to the guest room. Betty grabs his hand and pulls him to her. She grabs his cheeks and looks into his eyes, seeing regret and sorrow. She pulls him in and they kiss. They pull away. B"can you sleep in my room with me?" J"of course" they get to the room and Jughead takes off his shirt and makes a spot for himself on the floor. B"you can sleep in my bed Jughead." J"are you sure?" B"yes, I am." Jughead gets up and lays in the bed. Betty takes off her shirt. Jughead is just staring at her. She has no shirt or pants on. B"can I wear this?" She said talking about his t shirt. J"yeah." Betty crawls in bed and falls asleep and cuddles Jughead.

The next morning
Veronica goes to bettys house knocking on the door. Olivia opens it. Veronica comes in. V"wheres mommy?" O"in her room." V"can you go get her for me?" Olivia runs to Bettys room. O"mommy, auntie V is here and she wants you." B"ok bunny, tell her ill be out in a second." She runs out of the room and to Veronica. Betty gets out of bed and brushes her teeth and walks out of the room to Veronica. V"omg B, no way!" B"what?" V"you slept with Jughead!" Veronica whisper shouts. B"No, we just slept in the same bed, I mean I wanted to but I'm trying to take it slow and I just really wanted him hear last night and of course I wanted to wear his t shirt, so comfortable by the way." Veronica smiles. V"ok, but you guys will eventually get there." B"yeah I think so."

980 words not including this.

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