part 26. betty goes to the hospital

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One month later

It's may and past Bettys due date. She us in alot of pain. B"are the babies finally coming?" Breathing in and out. J"should I take you to the hospital or do you think its another brackston hicks?" B"ok we will wait to see, because I don't want to go to the hospital for nothing again." J"ok, do you need me to get liv?" B"yes please." Betty grabs jugs hand. B"and will you please tell her that I'm really sorry for missing another therapy session?" J"of course I will." B"thank you." She smiles. Jughead leaves.

Jughead comes back 30 minutes later. O"MOMMY!!!" B"hey baby! I'm really sorry for missing your session again, mommy is in alot of pain." O"its fine mommy, I understand." B"ok, ooowww!" Betty holds her stomach in pain. J"are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" B"i don't know." O"if you're feeling pain, you should always go to the doctors." Liv said. B"ok, you're right bunny." Jughead gets the baby bag just incase. They get in the car and go to the hospital.

One hour later
Their at the hospital. D"oh yeah these babies are coming, you are 7 centimeters. At 10 centimeters you can start pushing." B"what do I do till then?" D"it will be a while, so whatever you can to ease your pain." B"ok thank you." The doctor leaves. J"is there anything you need? B"not really, ow, walk, I need to walk." She gets up. J"please be careful." B"come help me!" She raises her arm to him and he helps her up. B"thank you." They walk around. O"are you ok mommy?" B"yes bunny, mommy is having the babies." O"awsome! I can't wait to meet them!" B"you should take her to Cheryl's place." J"ok."

Another hour later
Jughead took liv to Cheryl's house and came back. J"how you doing?" B"ask me again after I have the babies." She says in pain and rolled her eyes. J"im sorry." B"can you hold my hand?" J"yes of course." He takes her hand. The doctor comes in. D"how are you?" B"in alot of pain." D"do you want an epidural, before it's to late?" B"no, I want to do this naturally." J"are you sure?" B"yes, I did it with liv." J"i didn't know that." B"it was worth it, especially when I saw her, she is my world." J"you're so strong and brave." B"thank you." Jughead kisses Betty.

An hour later, at Cheryl's
O"i miss mommy, why is it taking her so long to get the babies?" C"because the doctors got to do everything to get the babies ready, and get mommy to feel better." O"are the babies going to look like hayley?" C"yeah kinda, but way smaller." O"like my barbies at home?" C"not that small, when you see them you gotta be careful, they are fragile and helpless." C"because they are younger than hayley and you." O"when do you think mommy is coming home?" C"soon." T"hey I'm home, hey liv, what you doin here?" O"mommy is having the babies, and auntie Cheryl is telling me how and about them." T"really?" She looks at Cheryl. C"not about the birds and the bees." She whispers. C"her mom can tell her, when she gets older." T"ok good, yeah. Go play with Abby liv." O"ok." She runs. T"she is too cute." C"i know, so what are you thinking, adopt, donor, surrogate?" T"OH, My, GOD! Really!" C"yeah, Abby is 3, we are ready." T"im thinking you should get pregnant, I wanna know what it would be like for you to be pregnant." C"i never really thought about it, I never really wanted to be, but for you yeah I should give it a try." T"YaaY!"

Another hour passes, at the doctors
D"you are at 10 centimeters now, it's time." B"mmmh, yeah I'm in alot of pain." She takes jugs hand.
A couple minutes later.
D"a couple pushes to go." She pushes hard. D"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, breath." She breaths in. D"again." She pushes and a baby cries, they take the baby back. D"one more time." She pushes again and the next baby starts crying. They get the babies cleaned up and brought them back to the room. The doctor puts both the babies on Betty chest. B"wait, you must have mixed up the babies!" D"those are your babies, for sure." B"its supposed to be a boy and a girl." D"oh! Maybe there was something in the way that made the doctors think that you were have a girl and a boy." J"wow, I have two beautiful twins." B"omg, I really was excited to have a boy." She frowns. J"its ok they are perfect." B"yes they are, can you call Cheryl and Veronica and tell them they can come meet them." J"yeah." Jug leaves the room, calling bettys friends. The doctor comes in the room with the birth certificates and gives them to Betty. Betty writes all the information down.

A couple minutes later
Jughead is holding one of the babies. Veronica, Cheryl and Toni come in the room with livand abby. Betty gets up and takes one of the babies out of the hospital bed and hands her to Veronica. B"this is Gabriella." She takes the other baby from Jughead and hands her to Cheryl. B"and this is Isabella." They all looked confused. T"i thought you were supposed to have a girl and a boy?" B"well the doctor told me that something must have been in the way and that this happens alot." V"oh ok weird." B"yeah I know, I was so looking forward to having a boy." C"that's ok, im sure you'll have one." B"no, im done having babies." T"not us, we are planning to have another one." V"really!" C"yeah-" Toni cut her off. T"and Cheryl is going to be the one pregnant this time." B"wow, that's awsome guys." Betty hugs Toni. B"i thought you didn't want that cheryl?" C"i decided that I would do it for Toni, for us." V"you guys are cute together." T"and so are these babies, so when do I get to hold one?" She smiles and they all laugh. V"here." She hands Gabriella to toni.

A few hours later
Veronica was getting tired so she left. Cheryl, Toni and Abby were still at the hospital. B"you girls want to hold the babies?" O&A"yeah!!!" Toni gives Gabriella to liv and Cheryl gave Isabella to Abby. A"they are so cute!" O"yeah they are, I love them. Mommy we need a picture!" B"i'll take a picture of you and the babies when we get home." O"when are we going home?" B" well it will be a few days before mommy gets home with the babies but you will be having sleepovers with cousin abby." O"yay, that will be fun!" B"yep lots of fun!"

C"ok liv we have to go." O"but I don't wanna leave mommy!" B"liv you will be fine, you will play with Abby and you guys will have a lot of fun, I will see you in a couple days." O"ok mommy, I love you." B"i love you too, good night." O"good night mommy." They leave. B"im worried about her, this is the first time she has been without me for this long." J"dont be worried she will be fine, plus she's in good hands." B"yeah she is, I trust Cheryl. I shouldn't worry, thank you." J"you're welcome." B"im tired." She says as she yawns. J"gets some sleep, you need it." B"ok, I love you." J"i love you too, good night." He says as she is already fast asleep. He kisses her forehead.

1380 words not including this

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