part 20. Haley

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*30 minutes later*
Veronica knocks on the door. Betty opens it while holding Haley. V"OMG, who's this cutie?" B"this is Haley, this is auntie V." Betty says giving Haley to Veronica. V"auntie?" B"when I said that I thought Jughead was in love with someone else, I was right...its her, Haley is his daughter." Veronica was shocked. V"he didn't cheat?" B"no, and I trust him and you should too." V"B you're my best friend, so I trust you." Veronica put Haley on the floor and sat on the floor to play with her.

Cheryl bursts through the door with Toni behind her. C"whats up Betty- who is this cute little bundle of baby?" B"this is Haley, Jugheads daughter." T"what?" She shouted in confusion. B"yeah, he knocked up some bitch before we got together again, but he didn't cheat." T"i don't believe he ever will." B"shes almost 2, but I don't know when her birthday is." V"has Liv met her yet?" B"no but I don't know how shes gonna take it, we have her for over night, we have to give her back to the whore tomorrow." C"wow!" B"what?" C"you care for Haley." Betty is confused. B"of course I do, her mom is abusive and Jug and I were thinking of fighting her in court for full custody." C"but why, she's not yours." B"but she's Jugheads daughter, so she's mine too, and I can't let her grow up with that woman." V"Bee, there's no chance you could win, especially if the Judge thinks she's a fit mother." B"yeah I know, but I'm willing to fight for her."

T"i think Liv will love Haley." B"speaking of, after school she has physical therapy, then after that she will be able to meet Haley, and I can't wait for her to meet Haley." V"plus she hasn't been around to many babies, so I don't even know how she's going to react, but just knowing her, she will love Haley like her own sister, that's the kind of child she is and you raised her like that." C"yeah you did really awsome, she is a great kid, and if Haley grows up with that woman, she might turn out to be like her or be unhappy." B"that is why I want a different life for her, with Jug because he is a great dad." T"and she would have a great mother like you." B"im going to do whatever it takes."

Veronica,Cheryl and Toni left. B"i wanna spend some more time with Hales, can you go pick up Liv and take her to her physical therapy session?" J"yeah, and spend as much time as you want with her, she's going to love you." Betty kisses Jughead. B"thank you so much, I love you." J"I love you too, and you haley." Jug kisses her on the head.

Betty is playing with Haley and she was babbling. B"say be-tty, say betty." H"baba." B"kinda close, say Betty, say Betty." Haley crawled into Bettys arms. H"mama." As she said that she grabbed Bettys hand and fell asleep in her arms. B"omg, did she just call me mama? thats her first word. I gotta call Jughead." She dials Jugs number.

J"hey Betty, whats up?" B"I think Hales said her first word." J"really omg, what was it?" B"Juggie, she called me mama." J"really, what makes you so sure?" B"i was trying to get her to say Betty, she tried and it was just baby talk, then I told her to say Betty again and she crawled to me said mama, took my hand and feel asleep in my arms." J"so she's sleeping right now in your arms?" B"yes! I love her so much." J"well I'm on my way home, when I get there we could talk and relax." B"i would like that."

Betty put Haley in Livs bed and kissed her head. B"i hope we could keep you from your horrible mother." Betty pushes Haleys hair behind her ear. B"i don't want you to live an unhappy life, you would be very happy here." J"betty I'm home." Jugheas shout. Betty comes running in the living room. B"shh! She is still sleeping." J"oh I'm sorry." Betty puts her arms around Jughead neck and hugged him. B"i don't want that life for Haley, I want her to live with us." J"and I will try my hardest for that to happen. From what I've heard she doesn't even want Haley, I don't know if she will even fight for her." B"you don't know that Jug, she's a mother, and even though she doesn't show it, she probably loves Haley and if we do this she will make sure you never see her again." J"Katherine is not like that, she doesn't like to put so much work into anything but getting drunk and flirting with boys to make them sleep with her." B"wow, is that how Haley was conceived?" J"she made me believe that she loved me and I guess when she found out about Haley she fled." B"oh I'm sorry." J"dont be, because then I would have never had my desire to find you and fall in love again, all though I never stopped loving you." B"yeah same." J"but I just found out about her, what if she's not mine?" B"we can do a DNA test." J"yeah, let go to the doctor and get one done." They get Haley and go to the doctor to get DNA tested. On the way home they stoped at a store to get some food and some things for Haley.

B"we will know in a couple days." J"i know but I don't know what I would do if she is not mine." B"i know I hate that too, but we could still be in her life and help her out, let her know that she is welcome, and that she could talk to us about anything." J"i love you." B"i love you too." Betty kisses Jughead. B"now go get our daughter from therapy." J"ok. Also Haley will always be my daughter no matter what." He kisses Haley on her head and leaves.

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