part 12. hormones

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Betty is 3 months pregnant and her hormones are bad. One minute she's happy the next, she's angry. She is always so moody.

Jughead is in his classes. O"i want daddy!" B"daddy will be he soon." O"no I want him now!" B"OLIVIA GRACE JONES, YOU CANT GET WHAT YOU ALWAYS WANT IN LIFE, STOP ACTING LIKE A BABY!" Olivia runs off to her room crying. Betty runs after her. Olivia gets in bed and Betty sits right next to her. B"im sorry bunny." O"i want daddy." B"he is at school right now, he will be home soon, why don't you play until he gets home." O"ok mama." Betty leaves her room and makes lunch.

Jughead gets home and Betty hugs him and kisses him. B"tell your daughter it luch time." J"ok."

Jughead walks to Olivia's room. J"hey princess." O"DADDY!" She ran up to him and he picked her up and threw her in the air. J"mommy says it's lunch time." O"ok daddy let's go." They go to the dinner table and Betty gives them their plates and they all eat.

They finish eating and Betty runs to the bathroom and throws up. Jughead comes in. J"aww." Betty looks at him. B"what?" J"the baby is making you throw up everything you eat." Betty frowns. B"six more months." Jughead hugs Betty. J"you've done it once before and I believe you can do it again." Betty brushes her teeth and kisses Jughead. B"i can't wait to find out the babies gender." J"do you want to wait until the baby is born?" B"no Veronica is throwing me a gender reveal in a couple months." J"ok cool."

Betty goes to Olivia's room. O"mama when is baby coming?" B"the baby will come soon." O"I can't wait, mama." B"yeah me either." O"I want a baby sister." B"yeah, I don't know bunny we will find out soon." O"ok mama."

Betty calls Veronica.
*on call*
B"can you watch Liv today?" V"of course, can you drop her off here?" B"yeah, and thank you." V"of course B, I love Olivia, she not a problem to me." B"ok see you later." V"see you later B."
*end of call*

Betty and Jughead get Olivia ready and they take her to Veronicas and Archies house. V"hey B, hey livy." Before Betty can say anything. O"hi aunt VV." She jumped out of Bettys arms and ran into Veronicas arms. Betty and Veronica laugh. B"hi, V, thanks for watching her." V"of course, don't mind me asking but why am I watching her for?" B"doctors appointment." V"oh ok." Betty and Jughead leave and go to the hospital.

*at the hospital*
The doctor does an altrasound. D"they are healthy and there heartbeats are good." B"what do you mean they?" D"you are having twins." J"omg, wow." B"really?" Betty and Jughead look at each other. D"yeah, congratulations." Betty and Jughead kiss. They leave the hospital.

On the drive to Veronicas.
B"I don't know if we,I could have twins, can we do this?" J"of course we can and I believe in us and you." B"thank you." J"for?" B"believing in me and being there for me, we are going to have our hands full." Betty and Jughead laugh.

They get to Veronicas house. B"hey V, guess what." But before Veronica can speak. B"we're having twins." V"really, thats awesome, if you ever need anything, I'm here." B"thank you V." They hug. Olivia runs out. O"mama." B"hey bunny." She runs to Betty. O"uppy." B"bunny you're  getting to heavy, I can't hold you while mommy has babies in her tummy, daddy will hold you." She runs in Jugheads arms. Olivia yawns. B"ok I think it's time to go, bye V, bye, Archie." V"bye, B, I can't wait to meet the little ones." They leave.

They get home. O"can you tuck me in daddy?" Jughead takes Olivia to her room and Betty gets ready for bed.

Jughead puts Olivia in her bed. O"does mama not love me no more?" She said yawning. J"she loves you so much, where did you even get that idea?" O"mommy never wants to do anything with me anymore." J"thats because mommy has babies in her tummy and she has to be careful when she does things or the babies could get hurt." O"how much babies does mama have in her tummy?" Jughead laughs. J"only two, princess, but after she has the babies she has to focus on. Them, so just know that whatever have we will always love you." O"ok I wove you guys too." Jughead tucked her in and left her room and got ready for bed. He got in bed with Betty and she cuddled him. B"i can't wait to find out the genders." J"me too." They fall asleep in each others arms.

859 word not including this.
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