part 15. the light of hope or death.

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Olivia's POV
I'm scared, I don't know where I am or what happened. I can open my eyes but I'm too scared, like I can't open them. Then I hear a voice, a voice I can recognize to the person I've been missing so much.
V"liv it's auntie V, you have to wake up, not for me but for mommy, she is really sad and blames herself for what happened, and aunt v misses you." Her voice makes me want to open my eyes, but I don't know how. I don't want mama to be sad and it's not her fault what happened. And I miss auntie VV so much. I tried so hard to open my eyes so I could see auntie V and tell mama it's not her fault.

No one POV
Veronica came out of the waiting room. Betty looked at her and all Veronica can do is shake her head, and support her friend. Betty just broke down and fell into Veronicas arms. Betty then gets a call from the police. B"omg hi, anything?" P"we cleared up the picture and got the license plate number and tracked him down and we found out that he has multiple DUI's and we locked him up." B"can I see him, you know just so I could see the man's face that hurt my baby." P"of course, you can come to the station." B"thank you." She hung up the phone. B"can you stay here with Olivia, I gotta go some where, and I know she's in a coma but I feel better knowing she not alone and she's safe." V"of course B, do what you gotta do." B"thank you V." She runs to the police station.

P"this is the guy that owns that vehicle." B"but it just doesn't feel like it, it feels like he is still out there, not getting what he deserves." P"but we can assure you that this is him, he is the owner and he has alot of DUI's on his record." B"ok thank you sir." P"its my job."

She goes home to find Jughead. B"they got him, hes going to be in jail for a while and he deserves it." J"omg that's great, now do you have peace?" B"yeah for now, I just miss her." Betty starts crying again. Jughead wraps his arms around her and she does the same. B"are you still busy with school work?" J"i just finished studying, but I still have to study for later exams and soon I will graduate." B"ok can you please come back to the hospital."

At the hospital
D"she is having trouble breathing while in a coma, so we have her on the machine, but if she doesn't wake up in like a week she could die, due to lack of oxygen." Betty starts crying again. B"what if she dies Jughead?" J"Olivia is strong she will fight this and if something does happen I'm here and the babies will be here soon." B"i know, and I love you for that but if she dies I think having two babies will be hard on me." J"but that's why I'm here and if it's time that you need, it's time I will give you." Betty kisses Jughead.

B"im going to stay here tonight, you can go home and get some rest in our bed." J"are you sure?" B"yeah I don't think I would get sleep knowing Olivia is in the hospital, I need to be here or I won't sleep." J"ok, I love you." B"i love you too, goodnight." Betty kisses Jughead. Jughead leaves and Betty lays on the couch.

The next morning
Betty woke up to see that Olivia was awake. Betty ran to Olivia hugging her and kissing her. B"how come you didn't get me up?" O"because it looked like you needed some rest you looked like crap mama." B"yeah I know bunny, im just glad you finally woke up." O"yeah but mama I have something to tell you." B"what is it bunny?" O"its not your fault, I heard auntie V say that you're blaming yourself, but how, it's not your fault at all." Betty didn't say anything she just hugged Olivia very tight. O"mama everything hurts." B"im sorry bunny." O"where is auntie V?" B"do you want me to call her?" O"yeah, I miss her." B"i know bunny." Betty called Veronica. V"hey what's up B?" B"can you come to the hospital?" V"yeah of course, ill be there asap." B"thank you." She ends the call. O"yaay!"

Veronica comes in the room. V"omg, liv, you're awake." Veronica gives liv hugs and kisses also. O"i missed you auntie VV." V"i missed you too baby." B"i gotta tell Jughead." Betty calles Jughead. B"can you come, please, are you busy?" J"never too busy for Olivia, she's important, ill be there, im on my way right now." B"ok, I love you." She ends the call.

Jughead comes in. J"OMG! Olivia, I missed you princess." She says as he smothers her in hugs. O"daddy it hurts." J"i know, Im sorry, I love you princess." O"i love you too daddy and I missed you." Olivia kisses Jughead on the cheek. Betty just stares in aww. Jughead walks to Betty. J"see she is stronger than we think, we just have to give her time." B"thank you for being here for me." J"of course, I love you." Jughead kisses Betty.

Then Cheryl and Toni burst in the door. Betty froze. C"Veronica reached out to us and told us what happened." T"yeah she said you were really hurting and needed us." Olivia was confused. B"omg guys I missed you."

Olivia is a baby, not even one yet. C"we have come to say goodbye and see our niece." B"but why do you guys have to leave and for how long." T"we just need some time, we don't know how long we are going to be gone, just know that we love you guys and we have to figure things out with our families." B"well we should keep in touch, I want Olivia to know who you guys are, you know, she would love you guys." C"yeah of course, you got our number, and when we get settled in we will give you information, like where we are, etc." B"ok we will miss you." Toni gives liv to betty. T"we will see you soon." They left and Betty was very hopeful that they would come back soon, but they did not even contact her on where they were or how they were doing and Betty felt horrible, three people in her life gone, with no contact.
*end of flashback*

Cheryl was holding a little girls hand. She was shy and very little. Cheryl picked her up. C"a couple years after we left, Toni wanted to have a baby, we wanted to have a family, so Toni got pregnant and gave birth to this little angel, she is three and her name is Abigail, but we call her Abby for short." B"omg, she so adorable, hi Abby." A"hi." She said shyly. B"liv actually woke up this morning and I'm so happy, she is in alot of pain and probably won't be able to walk and will be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life." T"omg I'm so sorry Betty, we missed you too, just had alot going on, you know." B"yeah I get it." O"mama who are these people?"

1311 words not including this.

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