part 25. Hayleys birthday

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One month later.        *april*

Betty and Olivia go to her physical therapy session. T"shes getting so much, we should see if she could dance in this session." B"will she be ok?" T"i don't know but we could ease into it, take it day by day, she would be better and better." B"if she's fine." O"yes mama, I really wanna dance." She gives her puppy dog eyes. B"ok." She runs over to the teacher. The teacher spins her around. She let's go of the teachers hand and just dances like no ones watching. Betty giggles. The teacher puts on some music. Olivia runs to Betty. O"come on mama, come dance with me." B"ok." She grabs livs hand and pulls her tight. They are dancing, then Olivia feels sharp pains in her legs and sits down. B"whats up bunny, are you ok." O"my legs hurt." B"ok, it's enough dancing for today." O"but mama!" B"you need to take it slow, bunny." O"i know." T"well our session is over see you guys tomorrow, bye liv." O"bye." They leave and go home.

J"how did it go princess." O"very good, I was dancing today." J"oh really, that's so great, I wish I could go with you but daddy is all tied up at work." O"its ok daddy, you do stuff with me at home." B"yeah like now, you guys could go play out back while mommy makes dinner." O"yes, daddy please!" J"ok let's go." Jughead gives Betty a kiss. B"i'll call you when it's done." She says before they run out the door, and starts dinner.

When she's finish cooking they come in. B"wow just in time, I just finished, bunny can you go set the table?" O"yes mama." She leaves. J"i almost forgot how energetic that kid is." B"yeah she's crazy." J"oh by the way hayleys birthday is tomorrow." B"oh shit I forgot!" J"how did you Foret, tomorrow is April 14." B"yeah I know, you know what, we will just go out and do stuff will her just you, me, her, and liv." J"yeah, that sound way better than a party." B"yeah."

They are eating dinner. B"we really need to think of names, they will be coming very soon." O"i think Oliver for a boy, it sound the same as my name but a boy version." B"yeah I like that, and I was thinking about when I was pregnant with Olivia that anther name you said stood out to me." J"so what is it?" B"you are just going to wait and see." She smile. O"i wanna know mama." Betty whispers in her ear. O"oh, I really like that." B"just don't tell daddy." J"really?" O"ok mama, promise." B"good, and you'll know and remember when you find out."

B"come on girly, let's get you to bed." Liv takes Bettys hand. Betty takes her to her bed. O"can you stay here until I fall asleep." B"of course bunny." She rubs her back until she falls asleep. When she falls asleep Betty walks out making sure to keep the door open a little bit. She goes into her room and falls on the bed. Jughead is reading a book. B"im so tired." Jughead put the book down and pulls her close to him and she makes sure she is really close. He turns on the TV and she falls asleep in his arms.

The next morning
J"im going to go to work for a couple  of hours, can you pick up hayley?" B"yeah of course, and can you drop  Liv off to school on your way?" J"yeah, is she ready because I have to go soon?" B"yeah, she is in her room, reading a book." J"shes too much like her mom." B"honestly she's more like you." J"how do you say?" B"she wants to be a writer, she eats alot, she has a big personality." J"yeah, I know. I have to go."  Jughead gets Olivia and leaves.

Betty goes to Katherine's house to get hayley. She knocks on the door and Katherine opens it and stumbles. B"are you drunk, again?" K"what do you care?" B"its 10 in the morning." K"and?" B"you have a daughter." K"yeah that never let's me sleep." B"well I have come for her." K"its her birthday, im keeping her." B"you are drunk on your daughters birthday and that's how you want to spend it with her?" K"exactly she's my daughter." B"you don't even take care of her, did you even get her a cake or anything?" K"what do you care?" B"she deserves a better mother than you." K"you can not show up to pick up MY child and be disrespectful to my face, you're not getting her." B"what are you going to do with her today?" K"its none of you're business." B"you probably have nothing planned and you are going to drink and want to party but you can't because you have YOUR child, I have a whole day planned, so just give her to me please." K"whatever, don't come in I'll bring her to you." B"ok." Katherine leaves and comes with hayley sleeping in her arms. Betty takes her and puts her in her carseat all while she is still sleeping. She gets home and takes her out and put her in Livs bed.

*A couple hours later*
Jughead gets home. H"daddy!" Hayley starts walking to him. B"hey she's been waiting for you." Jughead picks her up and swings her in the air. B"it was so hard to get her today, why is she giving us a hard time picking her up all of a sudden?" J"i don't know, did she eat?" B"when I picked her up she was sleeping, I gave her something to eat when she woke up." J"ok, she just looks like she hasn't been eating." B"yeah, I don't think she feeds her often, or at all."

B"im going to give Hayley a bath, can you pick up Liv?" J"yeah." Jughead goes to pick her up. Betty takes Hayley to the bath. H"bath!" Hayley smiles. After the bath, Betty puts little braids in her hair and puts a cute outfit on her. Jughead and Liv get home. O"Hayley!" Liv runs to hayley and picks her up and hugs her. H"Libby!" Hayley hugs tight. B"its her birthday, so what should we do?" O"do you want to go to the park Hayley?" H"park!" B"thats sound like a yes." J"im fine with that."

They go to the park. Olivia and Hayley run to the playground. B"there so cute together." J"i didn't expect Liv to love her so much." B"i know, I thought she would be more jealous with her around." J"yeah, because she's such a mommy's girl." B"more like an auntie V's girl." J"thats true." They laugh. O"mommy come play with us!" B"i wish I could but mommy is tired." J"how about I come play with you guys?" O+H"yaay!" B"thank you, these babies are really kicking." J"of course baby relax." They play hide and seek, and all kinds of games.


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O"mama, I'm hungry." B"alright guys let's get some food." They get in the car and go to get some food. They eat and go home. Betty pulls out a cake with two candles on it. Jughead puts Hayley in her chair and Betty lights up the candles and puts the cake infront of her and they sing happy birthday. B"happy birthday, blow." Hayley tries to blow out the candles and Liv helps. H"yay!" Betty cuts the cake and gives a piece to hayley, Liv and Jughead, and they eat cake.

Betty takes Hayley back to Katherine. B"did you have fun today, baby?" H"yeah!" K"just give her to me!" B"ok bye baby, I love you." H"bye, lub yu!" K"eww, Hayley no." She says as she shuts the door in Bettys face. B"rude."

Betty gets home. B"k bunny time for bed!" J"shh! She is in bed." B"you put her to bed, look at you." J"im trying to help you out." Betty puts her arms around his neck. B"and you are doing a good job, I appreciate it." J"anything for you." B"well I am tired so let's go to bed." J"yeah we had a long day." B"yeah, she had a good day." J"good." Betty and Jughead get in bed and fall asleep.

1492 words not including this.

This part is long, but who would complain lol. 


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