Headhunters - Final

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(Warning: Bullying. If you don't like it or get triggered by that than skip until the normal letters appear. I don't have much experience with that so sorry if it's bad)

1 year before the partner ceremony:


Tad was screaming as his classmate kicked him in his stomach. He knew the redhead won't stop or let him go, but the purple boy just couldn't stop screaming and crying. The last seven months could only be described as hell for him. Each day the other would at least give him a few bruises. If the redhead was in a bad mood, than Tad would do everything just to stay in public, but even then the other managed to hurt him. His classmates and teacher got suspicious as well.

Especially Bill. The yellow clothed boy would annoy him the whole day so he just told him what happened to his face. And everytime, Tad made up an excuse.

He haven't told anyone about his problem. He was sure the others would laugh at him even more since he was the weakest around the five. He wouldn't even get a partner. He was sure about that just like the others. In a class, there are normally six persons. In his class there were only five. So one will be left alone. And there was no doubt it would be him.

Bill and his best friend would definetly get teamed up. They think, act and behave the same. They were always together and everytime both would get in trouble. The redhead would get the only girl in his class as a partner. At least Bill said so. 'They are both huge brats nobody likes' , he explained simply. Plus, there is no way he would get one of them as a partner. And if he does, than he will be sure that the universe truly hates him. The girl despises everyone and the redhead is his worst nightmare.

Bill's friend and him never got along good and it got worse everyday they spoke with each other.

Bill himself was, like Tad thought, only faking that he cares about him and will try to use him later for whatever he needs. The only person, that haven't told him that he would end up alone, was his teacher. Everytime he would try to cheer him up by saying: 'How can you be sure? You cannot tell the future. Neither can the others. Just don't give up so easily and everything is going to be fine.' No, nothing is going to be fine. Nobody cared about him, so why would they care later? He was indeed useless. His classmates thought that. His own family thought that. He himself thought the same. While he was thinking and rethinking everything he stopped to sob and now only silent tears ran down his cheeks.

"Hey! Leave him alone!!"

From far away, both boys could hear a voice threatening the red clothed that he will fight him if he doesn't stop right now hurting the demon of the nerds. After looking at the running person, they saw bright yellow clothes that could belong to only one. 'Please Axolotl tell me it isn't him', thought Tad desperately, hoping it wasn't who he expected. But he was wrong. Bill came over a few seconds later and looked really mad with the redhead.

"Let him go or I will rip out each of your bones from this body", he said in a threatening and way more angrier voice than usual. His bright yellow shining eyes were full of madness and pinned to the redhead.

"Why do you even care? It's none of your-..."

"Say again 'It's none of my business' and I will leave right here and now and you will be here alone with him", he interrupted Tad and now looked at him, giving him a shiver down his spine. He was really mad. The nerd eventually went quiet meanwhile the redhead grinned. Each of his bloody red eyes had two black lines that were shining with pride and determination to hurt somebody. His hair was standing up and was as red as his eyes and clothes. He was wearing red trousers and a red long sleeved shirt. His mouth formed a grin and showed his white teeth. His hands were clenched into fists. Suddenly he started to chuckle.

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