Irrational Treasure - Part One

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"I can't believe you would do something like this!"

The Pines Family, Bill and Tad were all in the coach, driving towards the town.

Stan decided he would lead the horses, not wanting to hear any more of the bickering between the two demons.

Mabel and Dipper also kept quiet during the ride, not wanting to interrupt the two.

Since Tad found out Bill was dating Rubik, there were only fights between them. Not one conversation in which it was not at least mentioned once.

"Why not?. You hate Rubik, I hate Kryptos. Where's the difference?", asked the yellow demon.

"Kryptos is not your twin?? And are you seriously only dating him to pay me back?"

"Of course not."

"Oh yeah?", Tad crossed his arms. "Well if there are other reason then go on."

"He is super hot, super handsome, funny, he was my best friend since the day we met and the one person who always understood me and he is pretty cool."

Tad kept quiet for a minute.

Mabel and Dipper were already afraid they would get physical right there in the coach.

But luckily for them, Tad hissed something under his breath and turned away looking pissed. Bill seemed rather satisfied that he won this argument.

Suddenly they heard Stan's panicking screaming at the front.

"Fez? What is happening? Are you okay??", Tad jumped up and immediately looked at the old man who had eyes widened in fear.

Before the demon could get an answer, the man started to lead the horses away from the streets as fast as possible.

"Not today! NOT TODAY!", he kept on chanting driving like a maniac. Inside the coach Bill, Mabel and Dipper were pressed against the wall. Tad was struggling to not fall out.

"Gruncle Stan, what's going on?", asked Dipper from behind.

After Stan nearly drove over some people, he decided it was best to go back from where they came, than looking for another exit.

"We've gotta get out of here!", he said looking around. "Before it's too late!"

But they suddenly came to a stop

Stan screamed in antagony.

"They circled us! We're trapped!", he let out a loud scream.

Only now they noticed the obvious change, that was not supposed to be there.

There were cars on the street.

Cars which weren't supposed to be there.

People were wearing clothes that would only be invented hundreds years from now.

Kids were using IPhones.

Tad was furious.

He had managed to tolerate the use of things from the future inside the Shack and partly at some other places. But this was too much. He definetly did not learn how to handle that at school.

As soon as Bill noticed the change he lit up and smiled like an idiot.

"Please tell me I'm not dreaming and there is an actual Starbucks", he said looking out of the window.

"You're not dreaming. Today is Pioneer Day. Those idiots don't only celebrate the founding of the town but also the future that will be brought to them."

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