Blood And Bruises

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Willow looks weird.

And Amity is skinny, and Willow thicc 🤨

Gus looks weird too.

I guess everyone looked weird first season.

3rd person:

Walking to the training room the next morning, Luz couldn't feel anything but nervousness. Belos and Amity would be watching, and she had to battle multiple witches. Powerful ones at that.

Maybe it's the fear of her potion wearing off? She took it this morning, but it decided how long it wanted to last.

Before Luz opens the door, she takes a deep breath.

Stepping inside, Luz looks around and sees Belos, Amity, and a lot of other witches, most of them with their staffs.

"Lucia! Over here." Amity's voice breaks through everyone else's. Luz makes her way over to the two, slipping in between people with surprising ease.

"There you are. Are you ready? Today you will be going against an extra witch," Belos says once Luz reaches him and Amity.

Luz nods her head, even though she wants to question it.

"You will be going against the first witch in 5 minutes. Prepare yourself."

"I do not need to prepare myself. I know I'll beat them." Belos chuckles a few times. "I like that attitude."

The three talked until a voice rang over the whole room.

"Lucia, please come to the front." 

Without saying anything to Belos or Amity, Luz walks towards the front of the room, and towards her opponent.

Once Luz and the boy-witch reached the front, an old man walks towards them.

"You two will continue fighting until one of you is unable to continue, or you give up." The man looks at Luz. "This will continue to happen until you have gone through all of the witches you are to battle today."

Luz nods in agreement. "You shall begin."

Immediately the boy witch lunges forward, catching Luz off guard.

The boy-witch draws a fire spell, and pushes it up against Luz's face, burning her skin, but Luz doesn't make a sound. Instead, she pushes the boy-witch off of her and draws a plant glyph with her staff. 

Vines wrap around the witch's arms and legs, then his torso, leaving him unable to move.

Using an ice glyph, she sends it into his jaw, knocking him out cold.

A few claps are heard as a few guards come and drag the unconscious witch out of the arena.

Another witch replaces him. A boy-witch with blue hair and one eye makes an abomination and tries to grab Luz, but she jumps out of the way and he misses.

Drawing yet another ice glyph with her staff, Luz freezes the witch, and steps back to catch her breath.

A brown haired witch with a green uniform walks into the arena and draws a spell circle with her finger, sending thorns and vines towards Luz.

One of the thorns cuts Luz's leg, sending her crashing to the floor.

Taking this as her advantage, the witch sends more thorns Luz's direction. Most of the thorns whiz past Luz's face. The others scratch her skin.

'Defeat her with her own magic.'

Drawing a plant glyph with her staff, a plantbomination rises from the ground, and grabs the witch from behind and puts a sharp thorn against her neck threateningly.

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