Can We Still Save Her?

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( Yes, it is )

"Where's Luz?" Eda asks, turning around at the sound of Hooty trying to annoy the newcomer. "She- Emperor Belos was trying to manipulate me into thinking it was her. He was going to try and capture me, but Luz fought him for long enough to tell me. Belos still has her."

"Of course he does." Eda laughs, holding her head in her hands. "This is getting harder and harder. He's figuring things out he never has before."

"But we can still save Luz, right?" Lilith asks, looking at Amity with her eyebrows furrowed. She wasn't sure why she was so worried. Her inside were turning, she was sweating. 

"I- I honestly don't know. I hope we can." Amity sighs, looking down at the floor when she feels tears threatening to spill from the edges of her eyes.

"I really hope we can."


"Luz," Emperor Belos calls. He didn't yell, but it was more of a whisper. Luz almost immediately teleports into the room, her new staff in her hands.

"Yes, my lord?" She says, kneeling down in front of Emperor Belos, her expression neutral as she stares at the ground.

"In a few days, weeks, maybe, we are going to have a big mission. Do you know what it is?" the emperor asks, looking in a different direction as he waits for Luz's answer.

"Yes," Luz quickly replies, nodding her head slightly. "Good. You're dismissed." Luz stands up completely, walking out of the room with her head held high.

She was definitely on the emperor's good side.

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