Bitchy Bitch Bitch Belos

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Luz continues running through the halls of the castle, despite the injury she has in her leg.

"Come on! I gotta get you out of h-" Luz crumples to the ground, holding her head and writhing in pain.

"You will obey."  Belos's voice says. Though it didn't have any clear source. It was like he was speaking to her through the mask.

"N-No. I won't." 

Amity runs over to her, her eyebrows furrowed worriedly as Luz mumbles to herself. 

"Kill Eda the Owl Lady and her sister."


"Obey me!"

"I can't.."

"Kill Eda the Owl Lady and her sister!"  The voice yells, leaving a ringing sound even when it disappears.

"Stop. Stop!" The ringing gets louder and louder until Luz can't even hear Amity asking if she's okay, or what's happening.

A few tears fall from Luz's eyes, falling onto the hard floor.

"Please... stop.." Luz curls her knees up to her chest and hits the side of her head. Maybe that would get the voice in her head to stop.

No, of course not.

"Get up and kill them before I make you."

"No. You can't control me."

A small laugh makes its way into her head. "But I can. You underestimate me. Just watch as I kill her myself."

Luz's eyes widen and she looks at Eda and Lilith, but it was to late.

"Eda, get out of-"

Luz screams in pain, crawling backwards as to put as much distance between the three of them as possible.

"Get out of here, Eda!" Luz says, still scooting backwards before hitting a wall.

"What? No, I'm not leaving you here!" Eda argues, taking a step closer before Amity stops her. "We have to go now, Belos is trying to control her."

"How do you know-" Amity points to the eyes of the mask, which were beginning to glow. "We have to leave. Now."

Eda sighs. "We're coming back to get you." 

The three of them run away, and Belos takes control of Luz.

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