You Should've Known.

803 29 48

Ah, yes. The Owl House.

3rd person:

"No. Belos wouldn't do that. Lucia's to good of a witch." Amity shakes her head as Ghost meows again.

"Just leave me alone, Ghost. He's not going to hurt Lucia."

Amity lays back down on the bed, and closes her eyes, eventually drifting off into sleep.

Meanwhile, Lucia continues to walk through the castle's halls, completely unaware her pointy-ear potion had begun to wear off.

Lucia sighs to herself, her eyes on the floor.

She had betrayed Amity. She gained her trust, then lost it. 

Standing in front of the Emperor's door, Lucia prepared herself for what could happen.

Belos could kill her. Belos could let her away, no harm done. Lucia highly doubted it.

She finally knocks on the door, and not even a second later it swings open, revealing Belos.

"I heard about the mission to capture the Owl Lady failed," Belos says, the anger in his voice clear as day.

Lucia gets on one knee, bowing to Belos. "I'm sorry. It's my fault, Amity didn't do anything wrong."

Belos leans down, harshly grabbing Lucia's face with his clawed hand.

"Then tell me what happened."

Lucia gasps a bit, but she nods against his hand.

"We went to the Owl House and Eda was ready. She tried to put a sleep spell on Amity, but I jumped in front of her. It hit me instead. Amity ran."

"Oh, is that so?" Belos asks, finally releasing his grip on Lucia's face and turning around to face the beating heart of the Titan.

"Yes," Lucia lies.

"If it was, would I have been giving video proof telling me that did not happen?" Lucia's eyes go wide.

Belos turns back around and takes slow, small steps back towards Lucia.

"I should've known it was you," Belos pauses and leans back down, getting closer to Lucia's face.


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