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The whole world seemed to come to a stop.

Life is full of regrets. Everyone has them. Some are worse than others—but no matter what, you still feel guilty about them. The feeling of guilt will sit with you forever, never really gone even if you try and force it away. It's like a shadow. Appearing when the light is shone among it, and it's clear to see and then you're reminded of the shame you once felt.

Athea never thought she'd have to remember this again. She promised herself that no matter what she would distance herself from this piece of guilt. Not once had it crossed her mind, until now.

"Athea." Draco whispered when she didn't answer, she just sat silent staring at the wall for many moments. "Love. It's okay. You can talk to me."

She could barely hear his voice. It became a simple echo in her ears, hardly audible. All she could think about was that day.

The day she found out she was with child.

Athea's fingers shook around her wand as she stared down at the glowing light above her stomach. Lips parted and eyes wide, she removed the spell and stumbled backwards until her back hit the wall.

Her hand covered her mouth to hide the whimpers that left her lips, she didn't want Nolan to hear from his bedroom.

She was pregnant.

Her eyes squeezed shut, hand pressing against her stomach.

Nolan had commented a numerous of times about how she seemed to be gaining weight. He wasn't wrong, though. She had noticed how her belly had adapted a visible swell, though she hardly thought more that it was because she had maybe been eating too much.

But when she started to gain a regular sickness in the mornings and strange cravings, she added it all up. She didn't want to believe that she could pregnant. It couldn't be. It had to be a stupid concern. She was determined to prove that it was just a silly conclusion. So she performed the pregnancy test spell.

And now here she was.

A soon to be mother.

A smile found her lips as she stared down at her swollen stomach. Athea loved children. She loved the innocence they held, such young souls with no worries or idea of the cruel world around them.

Being a mother was something she looked forward to since she was a little girl. Rasing a small human to become someone great, building meaningful bonds and wonderful memories made her exited for parenthood—

But then she remembered the life she was trapped in.


That's the first thing that entered her mind. She wasn't ready for a child. She didn't know how to raise one. Her parents were hardly good parents towards her, so how would Athea know what to do?

And Nolan. What would he think? Would he be happy? She doubted it. Should she tell him? What would he do? What would he say?

So many worries and questions battled in her head. She loved Nolan, but she couldn't share a child with him. He had become angry—physical with that anger towards her. She knew he was going through a lot, and a child would only put him through worse. She didn't want that for him.

And he might even take his anger out on the child—

She felt sick.

She hobbled towards the toilet, her legs wobbly as she crouched down towards it and threw up.

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