Pt.28 wedding planning or saving?

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Leahs pov

"I'm sorry guys." I said.

"Why not tell us Leah?" I heard Caroline exclaim.
"I'm guys guys and I have to go my wedding is tomorrow I'm so sorry." I put the phone down and sighed.

Mystic falls pov

Everybody was shocked...
"She hung up." Caroline said in disbelief.

"And her weddings tomorrow?" Bonnie added confused.

Klaus and Rebekah shared a devious look before turning to Bonnie.

"Time to wake up little brother'

Everybody was shocked again.

"Think of it. Wake Kol, crash the wedding then she will run back with us." Stefan tried to make a point.

"Let's get to work then." Damon demanded as Bonnie sighed grabbing everything she needed.

Lols pov

I have been over on the other side for days.
I seen my family and 'friends' fall apart, leah is now getting married to a man she had history with and the group are trying to awaken me.

I'm currently with leah as she is getting the finals touches ready for her wedding. Her dress the flowers etc.

A part of me broke seeing leah marry another man. Not with my family. She wasn't happy or herself. Eventually she will break.

Leahs pov

I finished all the last touches for the wedding and made my way to the grand room.

I seen all the bridesmaids in the room and when I entered they tipped their heads to show respect.

"Good evening lady's." I said in the fanciest voice I could.

They all said hello.

"I would like to thank you for agreeing to attend my wedding." I smiled looking at all the 10 lady's.

The smile came off my face as I smoothed down my dress.
"Without further or do let's get you lady's settled in your rooms." I led them to their rooms and made my way to my room.

Flowers surrounded the room and I changed into my sleep wear and sighed as I sat at the end of the bed.

This is not how I want my wedding, a big fancy one with half the world attending. I want to be marrying Kol... with all my friends not in a big castle.

I grabbed my locket on my neck and the drifted off the sleep preparing my self for the morning and days to come.

Mystic falls pov

Bonnie had just woken kol up.

"Brother, welcome back to the land of the living." Klaus greeted Kol.

"I'm gone for a few months and the whole world falls apart." Kol relied cockily.

"Don't get ahead of yourself." Damon stepped in.

"Focus guys." Elena sighed.

They explained the plan and everybody grabbed their things and got into the cars to make it to the wedding.

           Damon.     Elena
           Caroline.    Stefan
           Klaus   Kol. Rebekah
            Bonnie.      Jeremy

9 seater.

Short one sorry but next is the wedding in it will definitely be a long (er) chapter.

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