Pt.45 peace

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Alina had finished watching over her dancing and seen her lovely funeral they had held for her.

She then slowly made her way out some doors of her high school only to be met with liv leaning against a car smiling.

"Wow I gotta admit. That was beautiful." She smiled running over to Alina and hugging her.

"You totally live an epic life." She smiled Pulling away.

"I'm so glad I finally get to see you again." Alina smiled.

"See me? Boo your stuck with me." Alina and liv laughed.

"I'm so proud of you Alina. Your little girl is beautiful. Your life was amazing... I heard you talking to me and your little girl too."

"Nadia talked to you?"

"Yea when you were running. She talked to me daily about life." Liv explained.

"I never knew." Alina smiled.

"You did well." Liv smiled as her and Alina walked through the sun sent catching each other up. They made it to Alina and liv's old homes where they lived as kids.

"Oh my." Alina said speechless.

Liv smiled and motioned for Alina to knock on her family's door.

Alina did and out came her mother and father also Avery and the rest of her ancestors.

"You did it." Alinas mother smiled at her bringing her to a hug.

"You made us proud Alina, your little girls beautiful." Alinas father smiled.

"You lived my legacy to the fullest and I'm so glad they chose you too." Avery jumped in and Alina hugged Avery.

"She's home?" Alina heard an all too familiar voice behind her.

"Luke?" Alina asked shocked running and hugging Luke Parker.

"I missed you butterfly."

"I missed you too ladybug." Alina laughed.
"How did I get ladybug?" Luke asked.

"I got worm." Liv piped in. Everybody laughed.

And this when Alina knew she was at peace. That Nadia was safe with her family.
That she could rest knowing Everything could be fine. She decided to visit her mikaelson family one last time before settling down.

She was watching Nadia with love in her face. Nadia was painting a picture of her whole family. Alina walked over and pushed a starve of hair in Nadia head back, she smiled and looked at her real life family before going back to her other side family in peace...

Alina may have been at rest but may her legacy never be forgotten.

This is where alinas story ends and a new one begins her daughters... Alina had started a whole new story in her own. Filled with excitement sadness and most of all epicness.

And that was alinas life. Weird messy sad happy but above all epic...

The story's over and I'm so sad to say it. This story has become my baby and even if just the same person reads each part I don't care the story makes me happy. Alina has become like my child and it's so sad to see her leave this book has become part of me. Nadia will of course have her own sequel/ book in the future but I of course wanna finish the books I have started. Please go save the sequel to your reading listen so when it comes out you can read it.
Started august 2021
Finished January 11 2022

Please don't forget me or Alina... with all my love. Brooklyn💛🥂

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