Pt.41 memories

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Alina woke up to the sun shining in and decided to make indau breakfast.
She made 2 pancakes, some fruit yoghurt with extra fruit on the side. And some berry smoothie. She grabbed the tray of food and made her way to her little girls room.

When Alina opened the door she was met with a little Nadia sitting up.

"I made you breakfast." She smiled.
"Wow that is a lot, but it looks so good!" Inadu exclaimed.

Alina placed it down on her little bedside table.
"When you were a baby slash toddler you loved this for breakfast."

"Really? I would love to hear more story's." Inadu smiled while digging in to her breakfast.

"You would run into my bedroom with crazy hair and would start dancing on the floor." Alina laughed at story time.

"You would then drag me out of bed and lead me to the kitchen, you would grab some orange juice from the fridge and hand it to me to pour you some. You would then sit on the counter while I made breakfast and we would dance to music!"

"Life sounded so amazing back then." Inadu smiled sadly.
"It was, we were always in Damon's and stefans. Rebekah Caroline and Elena would always want to babysit you. We all had no worry's and we realised that was what life was about." Inadu sat there fascinated.

"Then what?" She asked eagerly.
"Then the sun came up and reality set in, no life is fully perfect and fate will draw you away from the people you love." Alina rubbed Inadu's hand.

"Enough sad time." Alina wiped a start tear from Inadu's eye.

"Can you pick my outfit, dad showed me pictures of my old outfits you dressed me in and I had style." Inadu jumped around squeezing Alina in a hug.

"Sure." Alina made her way to nadia's closet and flicked through some clothes and picked out the perfect outfit.

"Here." Alina handed Inadu the clothes.
"Thanks mom." Inadu smiled running to change. Alina slowly made her way to Kol's room and he was fast asleep. She lay down beside him and waited a moment for him to smell her perfume.

Kol woke up and groaned.

"If I knew I could wake up with a sexy woman beside I would fall asleep more often." Kol smirked.

"And there's the Kol I know and love." Alina smiled.

Alina lay on his chest while telling him about her story's from when she was on the run.

"Living out of practically a suitcase? Who is this new Alina and why am I only meeting her now. Darling, you would always change your outfit every few hours or when it rained." Kol tickled Alina.

Alina burst out laughing and giggling. Little did they know the whole house was at the door watching them with smiles on their faces.

"He needed her. She's his sanity." Rebekah smiled at the sight.

"I have never seen them both this happy, and I haven't seen my mom in 3 years." Inadu peeped and the rest laughed.

Alina got up and the rest sped away klaus grabbed Inadu and sped away with her.

"Kol I promised Inadu I would go out with her today." Alina sighed and Kol groaned.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes kissing her one last time before he let her go.

"You ready babe." Alina asked Inadu standing at her door.

"Yep, let's go." Inadu jumped happily to her mom grabbing her hand as they skipped down the stairs to the door.

The family snook a picture of Alina and Nadia while they were skipping, the had been taking pictures of Alina with Inadu and Kol since she got back in case anything happened where and bad to run for 3 years again that they would have more memories.

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