Pt.34 this little light of mine

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Birthing room pov

Bonnie and Valerie rushed into the room to see Alina in pain with Grey feet and almost Trey hands with black veins along her neck.

"Come on sweetheart let's get this baby out." Valeria smiled at Alina while Bonnie ordered the other doctors out, Rebekah had left also.

"Efferte manum , proferte hic aliquid absorbendi etim vim in aula"

As the girls were chanting Valerie grabbed a knife and cut open alinas stomach.
She pulled the baby out and did all the medical stuff. (I'm not a doctor don't come for me)

After the girls finished chanting Valerie handed the baby to Alina. Alina had tears in her eyes as she held the tiny baby on her chest.

The baby was silent and fast asleep but opened her eyes and smiled while looking into alinas ones.

"She's perfect." Alina smiled with tears in her eyes.

"Want us to call everyone in?" Bonnie asked.

"Not yet, in a second you can but I want to have a moment with her." Alina whispered not getting over the fact at how perfect the baby girl was.

Everybody slowly had their way in smiling at the sight of Alina and her new born daughter

Everybody slowly had their way in smiling at the sight of Alina and her new born daughter

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Alinas baby. Played by baby hope mikaelson.

(Toddler of alinas baby will also be the actors of hope)

Everybody took their turns of holding the baby until the girls asked.

"Ok so now tell us her name." They squealed.

"I think her name should be inadu olivia Elizabeth's mikaelson." Alina said with a smile.

Everybody smiled in joy at the name. How Alina included liv also.

"Her nickname could be nadia if she ever finds her name hard to pronounce." Alina then looked at everybody's faces.

They were all happy with no sadness or anger or fear. Just happiness.

"What is she?" Damon asked.

"A witch." Valerie jumped in.

"A powerful one." Alina added smiling.

Alinas POV
Skip a few days

It was now time to take Nadia home.

I changed Nadia into this out while grabbing all my things and getting into my car

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I changed Nadia into this out while grabbing all my things and getting into my car.
It was strange placing a car seat into my car now, something I will have to get used to.

"You ready to go home baby?" I asked Nadia while sighing. I hopped into the driver seat and started driving to me and liv's home. I pulled up into the driveway and brought Nadia inside.

While Nadia was asleep I set the whole house up and made it all baby proof. Nadia woke up so I fed her and changed her. I got her all washed in a bath then out her down to bed.

Once I knew Nadia was asleep I went into my bedroom across from Nadia and checked my phone.

2 missed calls from 'sistas 👽'

I sighed and checked the group chat us girls had. I rang the group and all the girls answered immediately.

"Hay guys." I smiled walking into the kitchen sitting down in one of the chairs.

"We should meet up tomorrow and take Nadia out at town square since it's decorated for Christmas" Rebekah suggested.

"Sure. I'm bored. Nadia has been born 2 weeks and I haven't done anything since I had to stay in that hospital." I moaned.

"Oh quit moaning, your always going to be busy now because we will always be over in yours or want to hang out." Caroline spat.

The girls heard Nadia crying so Alina checked the time.

12:18 am.

"Let's go check on Nadia then." I brought my phone with me to grab Nadia.

She said hello to the girls then fell back asleep.

I turned off the light to nadia's room laughing while closing the door heading to my own room.

"I'm gonna get some sleep night girls." I hung up the phone and fell asleep with no disruption.

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