Pt.44 lay me to rest in the bayou

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The original family had gathered alinas ashes. They went out to the bayou and gathered all her friends and loved ones. They placed her ashes in the water and sent out a boat on fire. They carved  Alina Elizabeth's mikaelson. On a tree also in the bayou.  

Elena was crying into Damon's arms Caroline to Stefan's and Bonnie to Jeremy.

Inadu was staring at the water they placed alinas ashes in. She made sure she had some ashes and turned them into jewellery for herself.

They made there way back to the french quarter and there was a parade for Alina.

Nadia was confused as she remembered her mother had said to her the night before she died.
"God I would hate if somebody threw a party if I died like I don't get it." Alina laughed to inadu.

"No no she never wanted this." Inadu mumbled looking around the streets which the parade was taking place.

Inadu chanted a spell and made an unused car go on fire.

Rebekah Ran over to her and calmed her down.
"Inadu relax." Rebekah calmed her down.
"It's what your mother would have wanted."

"I don't get it." Inadu cried into Rebekahs arms.
"I just got her back and she was taken from me again."

"Everything happens for a reason sweetheart, some not so great but they still have a reason. Now your mother is free and doesn't have to run anymore." Rebekah smiled.

"But I need her aunt bexs. I need my mom. I-I'm only six years old."

"I know sweetheart. Your mother left this world knowing you will be raised by amazing loving people" Rebekah chuckled.

"Trust me if she knew we wouldn't raise you right she wouldn't have let anything happen until she knew you would be raised right."

Inadu and Rebekah walked back to the rest of the family and continued walking along the parade.

Kol had ditched the parade and went out to the bayou. He placed his hand over alina's name on the tree.

"You may be gone... but you will never be forgotten Alina Elizabeth's mikaelson. We will make sure of it." Kol took his finely glance at the tree and the water his wife's ashes were dumped in.

"If I ever die I want my ashes thrown out in the bayou or if my body is still intact I want to be burned on a boat in the water of the bayou." Alina smiled.

"Why the bayou my love?"

"I don't know. It makes me feel at peace." Alina laughed before walking out.


Everybody has gathered in the sitting room of the mikaelson home. Alinas friends from mystic falls also.

"Let's a drinking game." Caroline chirped.

"Sure." Everybody laughed.

"Apple juice." Caroline laughed looking at Nadia.

"Awww my mom and family told me story's of mystic falls and how cool Caroline was and you won't even let me drink?" Nadia exclaimed sarcastically placing a hand over her heart.

Caroline rolled her eyes and they played the drinking game.

"Ok so everybody shares a memory of Alina and after we cheers and say to Alina got it?" Caroline explained.


"Me and my mom would dance in the kitchen when I was a kid and she always made you laugh when she entered a room." Nadia shared and they all drank.

"When I first became close with alina I was trying to show off how cool I was in heels and I slipped on the floor and alina rushed to my side. That's when I knew it wasn't about competition, and that alina was somebody you needed to hold on to." Caroline smiled in memory as they all drank.

"I remember me and Stefan had gotten into a fight and I called alina for something and she heard my crying so she rushed over and brought ice cream and movies and popcorn and refused to leave until she knew 100% that I would be ok." Elena wiped a tear that had fallen from her eye and they all drank.

"I was practicing magic and Alina seen how frustrated I was getting so she tried her best to help me and also helped me write a spell book." Bonnie laughed while they all drank.

"I remember Alina was staying the night with elena and she needed to tell me something so she entered my room and I have never seen somebody buy new clothes for somebody they barely know so fast." Jeremy laughed before looking in the sky. "I miss you alina." He mumbled before they all drank.

"Alina was new to town but she was in the boarding house and I was annoying her and she didn't melt in or anything but instead she put me in my place and I guess ever since I have admired her for that." Damon smirked before drinking with the rest.

"I remember when Kol first brought her home to our hut she was such an innocent girl, my mother admired her for that and she was always so sweet kind and helpful." Klaus also smirked as they all drank.

"One of the days liv and her has just moved to town I bumped into her while meeting liv, she smiled so bright at me I felt like I walked right into heaven. We exchanged numbers and I knew she was the friend I Always needed." Stefan slightly smiled drinking from his glass.

"Alina was in our hut and it has started raining and the small town wasn't used to how heavy it rained. Of course alina didn't care. She dragged me out and we danced in the rain ran down the grassy hills and joked about when flowers. Then I knew she was my sister." Rebekah wiped her fallen tears while drinking the liquid substance.

"After we had turned to vampires we were at a ball my family was throwing, she came out in this lovely burgundy dress. She came down and she had the best manners and posture and smile in the whole house. She then took off her shoes for this one particular song and ran to the dance floor. She started dancing and spinning in circles with Rebekah and she was so beautiful. Later on we went walking in the garden and I handed her a pendant with a painting I got nik to paint of us on the inside of her and her dancing with that dress on." Kol immediately drank his glass getting up and walking away to drowned his sorrows.

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