Hank Wimbleton : head-canons

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- The first time you saw him was beyond horrific. A mere looming shadow with glowing red eyes staring straight into your soul.

- You saw what he did, brutalize anybody in his wake. And yet, he just stared at you. As if he wanted to murder you with his gaze alone.

- Maybe he didn't see you as a threat? It's tough to say. But after a long standoff, he just slowly turned away and left. Leaving you alone in the massacre scene he left behind.

- The second time you saw him happens weeks later while on a mission to get information.

- He almost shot you! But you were fast enough to dodge. It's hard to read what he's thinking, because of his obscured face. But he seemed to recognize you. You could tell by the way he tilts his head to the side slightly.

- After another standoff like the first interaction. Though this time, it was you who fled first. He lowers his weapon, watches you as you leave.

- The moment you actually meet and introduce, is when Deimos and Sanford take you to the team's current hideout.

- The two found you on a mission, and you aided them in battle since you had sort of the same goal.

- Sanford was impressed by your skills and wanted to recruit you to their team.

- You gladly accepted his offer and went to their hideout with them.

- That's when you sort of, officially meet Hank.

- Though he merely gave you a side glance and moved on to whatever he was doing at the time, no one knows...

- Deimos explained that "he's always like that."

- Meeting the rest of your new team was really fun. Deimos was the one who asked all the unnecessary questions, such as what your favourite beverage is or something.

- Then you meet 2Bdamned, another tech guy/ sorta medic. Well, he knows more about medical stuff than the other ones.

- 2Bdamned, or 'Doc' as everyone calls him. Seems to appreciate a new member of the team who is somewhat functional.

- Sanford is nice too! And he's glad about the new pair of hands on the team.


- You don't interact much with Hank rather than the rest of the team. He doesn't seem to have much interest in getting to know you at all. But you believe it's important to have a bond with the people you work with, so you tried to talk to him.

- You would walk up to him if he looks like he isn't doing anything. And ask a vague question to start with. 
You would ask things like, "what's your favourite weapon to use?" 
He would glare at you, cross his arms and hiss out. "As long as it does its job, I don't care." He answers.

- His voice is just like a regular man's, although he speaks in a hushed and low tone. And with a bit of a lisp. Due to his metal prosthetic jaw, he can't pronounce certain tones correctly.

- There is relationship building! If you squint really hard.

- But it takes a really long time to actually feel that alliance. You're on the same side as him sure. But he still goes his own way and does what he wants. 

- Hank is aware of how skilled he is and gets cocky about it quite fast. As in when you're teamed up with him for a task, he will nitpick at your fighting skills a little. 

- Over the past months, Hank seems to have 'gotten used' to having you around. Your hard work of trying to befriend him a bit more has paid off indeed! 

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