Baby grunt : head-canons

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- you hold your hand out, feeling droplets of rain on your palm. It's raining alright. You have to get home fast if you want to keep dry.

- Just before the entrance of the base There is a box on the ground. A letter stuck to the upside.
The letter reads: "I can't take care of him. But I know you can. Please give him a change of life."

- Opening the box, you gasp as there is a young gruntling, bundled up in blankets.
Your heart wouldn't dare you to get rid of this baby. You lift the gruntling out of the box and hold it close. The poor thing feels so cold.

- Of course, you take the young grunt inside, sneaking to your loft without anyone noticing. Cuddling him close to warm him up. You sit there, thinking about what to do.

-.first things first, this baby is so small and frail-looking. You need to get him checked out by Dr Skinner. You stroke his chubby cheek with your finger, still feels cold. You hold the baby close to you, in hope that your own bodywarmth can warm him up. 

- You watch the tiny gruntling bundeled up in a thick blanket while in your arms, he's asleep. You admit it's adorable... It's been so long since you have seen a grunt baby. Most gruntlings don't leave their parents until adulthood. Or many grunts are cloned these days. 

- But his sleep was short-lived, as he woke up looking directly at you. You have a short staring contest with the baby. 

- a stranger's face must have frightened him. As the baby started crying and squeaking. Or perhaps he's sick or hurt? It really broke your heart to hear this child cry. 

- "no little one, I'm not gonna hurt you. Please don't cry." You attempt to console the gruntling. You have never cared for a baby, you're a little lost at what to do. 

- You bring him in close, holding his head against your chest gently. Your calm breathing and heartbeat seem to calm the gruntling down,  his crying ceasing.

- the very next day, you show up at the headquarter's infirmary, Dr. Skinner is greatly surprised by your finding. He's not that experienced with babies, but he'll do his best.

- After the check-up, Dr Skinner explains that the baby has no injuries or illnesses to speak of. Only he's underfed. Right away you get the child something to eat.

- "I've only known this child for a day and a half. And if anything happens to him: I will kill everyone in this room, and then myself." It's basically like that. 

- The moment the baby in your arms looks back at you. You feel the dire need to protect this gruntling. 

- One of your closest friends; 2Bdamned. Is the first of your friends to spot you with a child. 
He walked up to you, pointed at the baby and asked; "Where the hell did you get this?!" 
His expression is unreadable as usual, but his tone sounds astonished.

- You explain that you found a gruntling on your doorstep. The baby happily plays with your finger as you talk to Doc. 

- Hank showed up next, bending down to the level of the baby and staring at him, inspecting him. When the child met Hank for the first time, he started crying. Hank made a child cry today...

- Doc pulled the killing machine back and scolds him. Hank isn't sure what he did wrong. But he doesn't like the noise that the baby in your arms makes. Make it stop before something happens!

- When Sanford and Deimos showed up, things got interesting. 

- "Hey, little guy." Deimos greets the baby in your arms. lifting his hand to interact with the baby. The gruntling let's go of your finger to hold his, and Deimos could have melted right there and then.

- Sanford got a little shy around the gruntling. Not really sure how to approach such a small and fragile being. He did awkwardly introduce himself to the baby. 

- Doc himself is fine with the gruntling, just don't let him get near his stuff.
For as moody as 2B is, he's surprisingly good with the baby.

- From this day forward, you are the guardian of this child. You decided to call him; Junior, since the letter you found on him didn't come with a name. 

- After all the hype is over, you return to your loft with your new child. 

- In your loft, you made a crib from improvised materials. Good enough. But you still wanted to hold him for a while. 

- Cradling Junior in your arms, he babbles something inaudible. He seems happy, grabbing at the collar of your shirt. The happiness of this child makes you happy too, smiling down at him.

- He looks up at you and coos. You fell in love with this baby. You can't imagine being wary of this child before, it only feels natural to take this child under your wing. It doesn't feel right to let go of him. 

- Junior fell asleep soon enough and you kept staring at him for a while. You look forward to raising this baby as your own. Raising children in this life is hard, but you'll do your very best. 

aww, a baby grunt...

Thanks for reading.
- Smilex.

Madness combat x Reader (Head-canons)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora