Main 4 : Zed Infection

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Hank :

- There was a swarm of zeds approaching, you did your very best to keep those monsters at a distance, however, there are too many. You got attacked by one of the monsters and got bitten on the arm by one of them. 

- In a way of quick thinking, Hank sliced off your arm as a way to prevent the spread. But it was too late, now you're bleeding out as well. 

- Hank attempted to stop the bleeding by bandaging it with a piece of his coat. Cutting a piece of the end with a knife. 

- He carried you away to safety, avoiding any further conflict for your sake. 

- He was panicking inside, you could feel his rapid heartbeat as you leaned against his chest. His breathing rasped as he tries to control himself and keep calm. 

- Hank takes you to a safe place to put you down and try to help you. He calls 2Bdamned to explain the situation. Doc can hear how panicked Hank is.

- You looked awful, pale bloodless skin, bloodshot eyes, getting weaker and weaker. 

- "Kill me..." You begged, "Kill me... Please Hank... I don't wanna end up like those things..." many Grunts have begged him for mercy before. But you were begging for the release of death, that was new. You deserve a painless death, a single shot in the head. Your body disposed of so it would not rise again. 

- Hank got quiet after that. Everyone else was greatly affected and in mourning, the loss of a great friend they have known for years, now gone. 

- It looked like Hank wasn't affected by your perishing at all. But believe me, he cried himself to sleep that night. And many nights after.
You took a piece of his already shattered sanity with you when you left. 
It won't take long for him to go completely insane, any day now...


Sanford :

- The large bleeding bite mark on your arm sickens him. It looks horrible and painful of course. 

- He tried to use a piece of bandage to close the arteries in your arm and keep the infection from spreading. But it was useless. 

- Deimos covers as the group searched for a safe place so they can help you. You were already looking terrible as you loose blood by the second. 

Sanford already knows that you don't come back as yourself if you die. He's struggling with both himself and with your injuries. 

- Deimos suggested that they should grand you a mercy kill. But Sanford objected, he couldn't bring himself to do it. The two merely comforted you in your last moments. Sanford clutching you as you died. 

- The two laid your body down and got ready to leave. They didn't get very far as Sanford heard a groan from the direction of your corpse. Causing him to whirl around and look, were you still alive? 

- No, You zombified corpse stood up slowly and makes eye contact with your former friend and love interest. You stumble forward and attempt to attack your friends. 

- Sanford almost saw the suffering behind your glazed dead eyes. He knew that he had no other choice than to shoot you and kill you. 

- Sanford fell to his knees after pulling the trigger and shooting you dead. He cried it all out at once. Deimos held a firm grip on his friend's shoulder in a way of silent comfort, masking his face as his tears flow freely as well.

- Sanford regularly reminds himself that it was a mercy kill. You'd be better off at rest than as an undead corpse.


Deimos :

- A Zed ambushed you, got you by the neck. The world stood still, and in a fit of desperation to get to you, Deimos murders all of the Zeds around. 

- He gets on his knees before you. Taking you in his arms and attempting to comfort you as you slowly bleed to death. He felt so powerless at that moment. 

- there was no more life in your body. This caused Deimos to become delirious, blurting out any possible options to save you. Sanford was the only one who could think rationally at that moment. Even though he's also stressed out.

- It was already too late. A vital artery was damaged. And you bled out quickly, dying in Deimos' arms. The moment he realized you were dead, Deimos let out a shriek of agony. 

- Sanford had to physically pull Deimos away from your dead body. Knowing that your corpse is gonna rise again. Deimos is in hysteria this whole time, trying to get out of his best friend's grip to get to you. 

- Your body twitches and stands back up. Growling at your former friends, ready to attack. Deimos couldn't believe what he was seeing and was in hard denial that you were gone. Nothing was left of you except your reanimated corpse. 

- Out of reflex, Sanford pushes Deimos aside and takes a shotgun to shoot your head in one hit. Your corpse falls to the ground in a heap of dead flesh. usually, Sanford isn't fazed by the gore most of the time. But right now, he is refolded and disgusted. That pile of death used to be his friend once. 

- Deimos was furious with Sanford that he killed you. Sanford argued that you were already dead and he only did you a favour. For a long time, Deimos was mad at Sanford for a very long time and practically gave his best friend the silent treatment until he got to terms with your loss. 

- Eventually, Sanford and Deimos' friendship was mended. The two agreed to keep going and survive to honour you. 

- He wonders if you can see him from wherever you are. He hopes that you're proud of him that he keeps going and isn't giving up.


2Bdamned :

- Deimos and Sanford were just in time to take you back to base. You were severely injured. And in a heartbeat, 2Bdamned was at your side. Deimos has never seen Doc look so panicked before.

- Doc treats your wound as best as he could. You're already infected and there is nothing he can do to cure you.

- The best he can do is postpone your infection. Use all of his best supplies to the infection from taking over your body. Due to all of this, you're bed-ridden and always severely ill, at the brink of death almost.

- 2Bdamned of course notices your discomfort, he keeps telling himself that it's for your good. To keep you alive, even if you have to suffer greatly for it. He is suffering too, he can't bear the thought of losing you. But time is running out, he has tried to mentally prepare himself for your passing. 

- With what little energy you have left, you plead with Doc to just end your suffering. It has been too long. You can't do anything but lay there in pain. 

- "It won't help Doc... Let me go, please... As my death wish"  2Bdamned wanted to object, but you insisted he'd let you go. 

- He injected something in your arm and would poison your blood and kill you. Once that poison reached your heart it would die. 

- Doc joined you in your infirmary bed and held you in his arms as you died slowly. Your raspy breathing finally ceased, no pulse and he knows you're finally at rest.

- 2Bdamned was an utter mess for several weeks. And he had lost all hope for a while. Of course, everyone was affected by your passing. But it's for the better that you're no longer suffering. 

- Then it hit him, maybe... He could bring you back! Just like he had done with Hank several times. Immediately, Doc started planning to return you to him. 


well... that was dramatic...

Thanks for reading.
- Smilex.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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