Asylum patients : Head-canons.

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- You had asked your parents for puppies once, but...

- These grunts are no ordinary patients you see. They're used as test subjects by Nexus. Being abused by the workers there, except you.

- You're very much against the way the patients are being treated, but there really is nothing much you can do as a simple nurse against a giant organisation.

- You have tried your best to be sympathetic towards the patients, be a bit more respectful and gentler. There is this snarky orderly; Gunther. He didn't like you from the start, although he is not openly hostile towards you. You worry for your own safety sometimes. It was easy to notice that the orderly is just as unstable as the patients are. That could be a problem. 

- at first, the patients were just as afraid of you as they were with every other worker. You can understand why they where wary of you at first. You didn't give up, mostly taking it slow with the patients and earning their trust first. 

- it was really heartbreaking to see a patient cower before you, him expecting to be beaten for any minor mishaps.
You wanted to show him that you don't want to hurt him but help him. But he flinched away as you got closer.

- The rest of the orderly disapproves of your methods of treatment, but doesn't actually do anything to stop you. Gunther; your colleague can complain all he wants. Your way of treatment is much better. He's just in denial. 

- You earned one patient's trust, by feeding him slices of an apple. All patients get stale bread as the only food source.
He loved it! The look of pure enjoyment as he chews on the sweet fruit was heartwarming.

- apparently, that patient had spread the word and now patients not assigned to you, walk up to you and meekly ask for food. Of course, you didn't day now to that and fed all the patients sweet fruit. You became known as the nice handler around the asylum. 

- You make some progress, now all the patients get apple slices in their daily meals, that's good. They need more vitamins in their diet. All of the patients got some more colour on their faces with the change of diet.

- While watching a group of patients one day. You gained another patient's trust by helping him get up after he fell over and couldn't get up (because his hands are tied down by the straight jacket) Gently taking him by the shoulders and lifting him to stand. 

- it felt weird for the patient to feel something other than pain. He didn't know what to say, and merely mumbled a soft "th-thank you." and waddled away out of embarrassment. 

- You began telling a group of patients stories, as a way of positive stimuli. Rather than this gloomy facility. You have told them all the best fairytales you know, along with a few fabricated stories of your own. It doesn't matter if they're good or bad, the patients are happy either way. 

- All the patients sitting or laying on the ground as you tell a story. And with every story, one patient is allowed to lay his head on your lap. You can feel the patient on your lap purr as you stroke his head. Sometimes nuzzling into your hand if you stop stroking. It's not uncommon for a patient to fall asleep while on your lap. 

- Patients started to like you more and more since you're so nice and understanding to them. You're the favourite worker of all the patients, in fact. 

- There is this one patient, that you nicknamed; Squid. Because he is so flexible and agile,  keeps crawling and squirming into the strangest places.

- Squid is a patient assigned to you. So when this guy goes missing, it's your job to find him and look after him.
He has no regard for his own safety and always gets found with a new wound somewhere, which you have to treat every time. 

- One time, Squid has found his way into the vents of his cell again. You had to coax him out of there as he's having a bad episode again. Reluctantly Squid crawls out of the vents, and bawls his nonexistent eyes out in your shoulder as you comfort him in an embrace. At that moment he wishes he could hug you back. Squid always rubs his face into your scrubs, basically using the fabric to wipe his tears. 

- The first guy who you fed apple slices to, you call him; Tooth. As you fed him, you noticed his bulky and sharp teeth.  
Tooth is a biter and is quite aggressive when overwhelmed. Tends to bite and attack workers, but he listens to you at least.

- You heard the other workers consider removing all of Tooth's teeth, to make him stop biting. And muzzles don't work since he keeps biting through them. However, you advised strongly against it and made clear that it wouldn't help at all. You even had an argument with Gunther over it. 
He is always irritated with the way you treat those lunatics too nicely. Gunther believes they don't deserve that treatment. Or perhaps he is jealous...

- You get called when Tooth is out of control. He attacked another patient and was screaming your name. Tooth is aware that you help ease the stress, and always calls for you when he is having an episode. 

- Once Tooth saw you arrive on the scene, he scrambled towards and presses his body against yours in a sort of hug. 
"Make it stop (Y/n)! The scratching won't stop! It's in the walls!" He cries into your shoulder. You try your best to console him with a firm hug. 

- Tooth gets to listen to music now and then, he claims it calms him, and according to evidence it's true. You got him a portable CD player, and some CDs of music to listen to. And Tooth has gotten much better ever since. 

- The patients are very much improved ever since you arrived to help them, but you know that they'll never be released when they gained some sanity again. Nexus likes to keep their test subjects. 

- One day you plan to get some patients out, once they're stable enough. You haven't told a single soul about this yet. But you see how good Squid has been these past weeks, maybe it's time for his 'release' (escape) soon, you hope...

I once saw cute fanart of the asylum patients, and kind of couldn't help myself.

Thanks for reading. 
- Smilex. 

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