Hamford : Headcanons

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- This little guy can fit into the palm of your hand. Don't drop him! He seems to like being in your hands, your hands are very warm. 

- And the moment you held him in your hands, you felt the strong need to protect this creature. 

- Hamford seems to really like it when you rub his cheek with your thumb. You can feel him push back against your thumb.

- He has this tiny little hamster tail! 

- If you were to be able to take of his little shoes, you can see that he has tiny hamster feet.

- Watch where you're walking if he's on the floor, to make sure you're not stepping on him.

- if you return from a trip. Hamford will happily greet you with loud squeaks. Much like a real hamster.

- You have tried to take him with you one. Keep him in one of your pouches on your belt. But you almost lost him, and 2Bdamned scolded you for taking Hamford with you. He's not allowed to come with.

- He is good from certain things on missions; He can alarm you about things you don't see. sabotage tech and excellent stealth.   

- He wants to go on missions with you, but he's just too small. Instead, he guards the hideout from pests with a fishhook. If you find a mutilated rat somewhere, it's Hamford's doing. 

- Much like a hamster also. He loves to lay with you, his favorite place to lay is in the crook of your neck. Perhaps hidden under your hair. You can feel him purr if you're luckly.

- Make sure you give him plenty of seeds and veggies as treats for Hamford to eat.

- Hamford believes he's bigger than he actually is. If someone is threatening you in his presence, he actually tries to protect you, from people ten times his size. It's very endearing. 

- Don't be surprised when you feel a pressure on your chest while napping or sleeping at night. 
Hamford somehow got to you because he wanted to be with you. 

- Hank does not know how to hold a small rodent properly. He holds Hamford either by the leg or be his scruff. You scolded Hank many times for that. 

- Deimos has this weird fascination with poking Hamford, he makes funny noises when being poked. 

- Hamford always wants to try the food you're eating. You have to push him back every time he tries a bite of your hotdog. 

- Sometimes all this violence becomes to much to bare, and you need to breakdown and let it all out at once. Hamford is there with you through it all. Hold him close to your face and he'll wipe his tears for you.


Yes! Hamster!

Thanks for reading.

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