Main 3# Combat Pupil

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- You weren't the best when it came to combat, and it annoyed Hank greatly. What if someone attacks you and he is not around to protect you. He decided to help you with that problem and teach you. 

- Let's just say; Hank is not a good martial teacher. This guy has his own fighting style and he can't remember when he developed that style, the best he can do is teach you the basics. 

- Unique fighting style aside; Hank is a little too impatient with you. He'll tell you to punch that bummy over there, and if you don't do it right he will get mad and so it himself. Not much to learn from that. 

- You get a little frustrated with Hank's methods and demand he'd be a better teacher. For once, Hank hears you and changes a little bit. He encourages you and praises you a little bit when you succeed in something during training. 

- His favourite part of training with you, is the sparring. It's a great excuse to be close to you, training for himself, and pummeling you. It is obvious that you'll most likely never be as skilled as Hank, but that doesn't really matter. 

- The next step of your training is a little test; you're coming with Hank on a mission. He picked a specific mission he thinks would be good for you. And you're coming with him. 2Bdamned was very much against the idea, but of course, Hank doesn't listen...

- You did better than he expected to be honest! He was proudly looking on as you performed all the moves he taught you, it was amazing and he loved it. 

- After the mission, Hank is sure to express how proud he is of you. Putting his hands on your shoulders and he says, "You did good, I'm proud of you." 
You look at Hank with big eyes. That's the best compliment he's ever given you!

- That compliment was a huge ego boost for you, it made you feel fantastic for the following few days. Of course, you continued your training, simply to polish your skills. 

- You're glad not to be dependent on other people for protection anymore, you have accomplished what you wanted! With some few extra things. Skills and Hank's respect. 



- He was surprised when you asked him to teach you some combat. He agreed with your explanation to be able to defend yourself, it makes a lot of sense to him that you want to be able to and be less dependent on him to defend you. 

- Out of them all, Sanford is the best teacher. He will give an example and tell you to copy his moves, very handy! 

- Sanford is great at encouraging you to try new things, the more skill you have the better you'll be at attacking, and defending yourself and others.

- Not only does teach you basic combat moves, but also melee and ranged weapons. The best lesson he taught you is how to improvise weapons. You'd be surprised with how much damage you can inflict on a person with a tape dispenser!

-Sanford likes to spar with you, though he takes it easy on you. It's almost like dancing, but without the music and a lot more punching. One time Sanford accidentally hit you in the eye, giving you a black eye. He still feels bad about it. 

- During is when Sanford discusses other techniques with you. And compliment you for your efforts. It's great, Sanford is great. He has been a real help teaching you combat. 

- Next test; is to go on a mission with him. He made sure to pick the easiest mission he could find. hmm, raid an Aahw outpost sounds like a good one. Though he was hella nervous about taking you on a real mission, he can't back out of it now. And neither can you!

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