main 4# Timid Bandmate

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Anonymous on Tumblr asks: The main madness four with an S/O that's in a band that looks shy and quiet but then they get on stage and it's like the Sunday FNF Mod's first song.

I've had a solid 6 hours of sleep and I feel refreshed and productive. Let's finish this!



- He is quiet also. But he is more intimidating and Quite, rather than shy and quiet. 

- The quiet ones are the most observant, that's what your relationship is built upon mostly. Both you and he picked up on the little things and habits. You can communicate without speaking, y'know? Quiet to quiet communication.

- As he observes. Of course, he picks up on these musical habits you have. Such as; humming a tune while working, or tapping your fingers to a rhythm that only you can hear. He caught you singing softly when you thought you were alone. 

- He became more intrigued when he saw you play the guitar in your room. Hank signed up for guitar lessons once upon a time ago, but sadly never got the chance to follow those lessons. 

- He likes it when you play music or sing, it gives him an odd sense of calm. A calm Hank is rare, how the hell did you do that?

- Hank likes to just listen to you play or sing, he will sit by you completely silent while listening to your melodic tunes. There have been multiple times that Hank has fallen asleep during these strumming sessions. 

- Eventually, you shyly confessed that you're in a cute minor band that plays in a nearby club. This intrigued Hank, simply because you don't act like the type to be social enough to find bandmates. Immediately he starts to ask questions about your bandmates. A simple band of four; A drummer, Bassist, guitarist and you; the singer.

- He asked why you didn't invite him to watch your show, and you give him this knowing look that tells him enough. Last time he went to a club he killed everyone.

- so... Hank went to the club without you knowing, hidden through the crouch luckily unarmed this time. He watched you perform with your band. 

- Your performance was the most amazing thing that Hank has ever witnessed. That's when he became aware of his real love for you.



- Shy is a very broad term, you have timid when meeting new people and straight-up anti-social. Which one is it?

- Turns out you're just timid around strangers and people you don't know all that well. Which is better than anti-social. 

- Sanford actually appreciates your calmness. He spends a lot of time with his best friend Deimos is talkative and energetic. Then spending time with the calm and quiet you is a nice change of pace that helps Sanford collect his own thoughts. Your calm presence helps him to calm down.

- He has seen you strum guitar before, and from what he's heard you've been doing it for some time. Random tunes that he has never heard before, he starts to believe that you're a songwriter. 

- He notices your behaviour chance when you're playing music. More confident, and more talkative rather when you're doing other things. 

- While he was sitting with you and he calms down with your music. You start chatting; that is when you mentioned that you are in a band.

-Sanford is intrigued and asks you about the band, and you answer honestly; a humble little band that plays at this club every weekend. 

- He is surprised you don't look like the clubgoer type, but he has underestimated you before as you keep on surprising him. 

- You agreed to take him to the club and show him what you do with your band. Clubs is not really his certain scene, but it was a nice little break from the usual violence just to please you and watching your performance.

- He loves it that you really do something that you love and makes you feel good. The only thing he doesn't want is for you to go on tour with your band. He wants you to stay close to him so he can protect you.



- He speaks for you a lot. Deimos is the polar opposite compared to you, and he speaks loud and often enough to speak for both of you. 

- He had seen you strum on a guitar before, but never really questioned it or asked you about it before. 

- He loves to hear you hum a random song he doesn't know. By that, he made a game out of it. You quietly hum a song to yourself, and then Deimos tries to guess what song it is. 

- When he catches you playing the guitar he got really interested. He entered the room rather casually while you were on your cot strumming away. But it took a moment for him to realize that you really do pursue this musical talent you appear to have. 

- He likes to do his computer work while listening to you play your music. It's a nice background noise since he's not really a fan of silence. And he can chat you up while you're in the same room as him.

- While chatting you mentioned the club you play at which caught his attention. Interested, he started to ask questions about what you do at that club.

- Yoooo! You're in a band?! You just became ten times cooler in Deimos' eyes! 

- He begs you to take him to this club that you perform at. Please! Please! Take him to the club. You were reluctant at first, not sure how Deimos would react in such a busy environment. Then again you can handle that busy environment just fine when performing, so eventually you agreed and he cheered in joy.

- He was over-excited when the day of clubbing finally came, he was nearly bouncing in his car seat. He explores the club while you get ready for your show with the band. 

- YOOOO!!!! You're the coolest person on earth in Deimos' eyes!!!!



- Doc often tries to train you to become more social, just like how you'd tame a timid dog. He just sometimes forces you to go on missions with him, and you can't say no because you get paid for it. 

- You often take an assistant role for him and help him with his work. He does notice your progress in social interaction as you get comfortable conversing with him. He is very understanding and in tune with your behaviour and allows you to take breaks when not on missions.

- On one of these breaks he discovered your musical talents. And eventually, when working for him he did. Your soft humming and quiet singing can be heard from across the room you know?

- Music seems to be your element, according to his recent discoveries. You appear more confident when making music, and he liked seeing that. 

- You have a real talent for music he has noticed. He has seen you play the guitar and has heard you play and he is impressed, you just keep on surprising him. 

- You're always away on the weekend, and Doc wonders where you go. unless you have something to hide, he thinks he has nothing to worry about when it comes to you. 

- Once you confessed that you're in a band, 2Bdamned is slightly relieved to hear that it was just a club where you went to every weekend. He was overthinking your reason for absence after all. 

- You were surprised to hear that Doc wants to see a performance. The idea of him watching one of your shows made you nervous. However, he assures you that you'll be fine and that he'll love you either way. 

- It was strange to see 2Bdamned in a club, his posture and his attire make him stand out like a crooked nail. 

- 2Bdamned is really impressed with your performance and you're really in your element when on stage. He did applaud when the show ends and he hasn't stopped smiling since the show started.


Another stereotypical shy reader bitch.

Thanks for reading.
- Smilex🙂

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