Mag Agent Torture : head-canons

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- A mere Janitor you are, nothing special to you. And yet, they can't work without you. 

- Always the one that has to clean up the mess that Nevada's most wanted leaves behind. At least you get paid handsomely for it.

- And also as a Janitor, you have a first-row seat to what the scientists are experimenting with, without being involved yourself.

- Some of the experiments are okay... others are downright inhumane. And there is nothing you personally can do about it. It makes you feel so powerless sometimes. The blood and guts that you mop off the floor, used to be a person just like you once. Really sad. 

- The hardest part of the job is the MAGs. Those beings are very dangerous and hard to control. You don't get any protection when you have to go to the Mag quarters to clean or fix something. 

- But you've slowly learned not to fear, as long as you don't provoke the Mags you'll be fine and free to do your work. None of the mags there really acknowledge you while you work. And you'd rather not be acknowledged by them, they're staring and give you the chills. 

- Basically, you do your work, and the mags do theirs. 

- However, there was this one time, you had music on while mopping the tiled floor. You have gotten used to the stomping of the mags and didn't look up when the stomping got closer. And then you suddenly get knocked over as a Mag walks by, not noticing nor minding you. 

- It took you a moment to recover, and your headphones were knocked to the ground. And before you could stand up yourself. A large hand grabs the back of your jumpsuit, lifts you and puts you on your feet. The hand lets go and the Mag who helped you up walks away without much interaction. 

- The thing was that three mags were walking by, and you can't tell who it was that helped you up. 


- Around the facility, you are known as the laid-back and wise janitor. Nobody is on your bad side and if someone is, you simply don't clean their cubicle anymore. And most workers want a spotless office space to work in. 

- Also, you're praised for your fearlessness. Despite your very mundane job in such a large organization. You don't react to anything out of the ordinary happening. If once again something in the labs explodes and a few people died. You casually discard the dead bodies and mop up all the blood, and leave the repairing to the engineers.  

- In other words, you're quite well known around. Famous for the song you whistle while working. It's characteristic of you, everyone knows you for those random tunes to whistle as you restock a vending machine.

- A Mag heard this strange echo through the hall. It got him curious. So he follows the sound to its source. Peeking around the corner, the mag finds the janitor. Whistling random out-of-tune tones. The janitor doesn't notice him yet, so he can listen to these strange sounds for a little longer. 

- The moment the janitor turns around, the mag is gone. He has taken cover behind the wall. He knows that the janitor is not afraid of anybody. But that doesn't mean the Mag is not afraid.

- A few more times, Torture has spent his minimal spare time watching you from a distance. Figuring out a way how to approach you. Maybe he could pretend to accidentally knock you over, and then help you up. Like he has done before. Although that one time it was another mag that knocked you over and Torture was the one that helped you up. He could try that again to gain your attention!

-  Without much more thought, Torture makes a move. He walks by you and attempts to knock you over on purpose, however, when you topple over your hand landed wrong and you sprained your wrist. And when Torture head you shout, "ow! Argh!" He panicked. 

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