main 4 : Adoptive gruntling.

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A sort of continuation of the baby grunt hcs. but where one of the main 4 is your beloved!


Hank :

- He didn't like the little gruntling you took home. No, not at all. 

- He avoided the baby as much as possible. He doesn't like the sounds the baby makes. Which is actually kind of hard because you're with the gruntling all the time. And he does want to be with you.

- One time while you were making food for the baby, Hank is leaning over the crib. Staring down at the gruntling. And then he asked; "what do you have, that I don't?" in an almost threatening tone. 

- Hank will warm up to the child, give it time...

- While you're feeding the baby, Hank is stiffly sitting next to you and watching. You got a little worried that Hank might do something to the kid. But Hank knows better and doesn't want to make you sad by killing the gruntling. 

- Eventually, you trust Hank around the baby a bit more and you're able to get some fresh air after caring for the child all day. Hank is curiously poking the baby. How does this thing work?
He's caught off guard when Junior grabs his finger while babbling. "let-let go." Hank almost stutters, attempting to pull his hand back.

- The baby babbles something he can't understand, giggling as he plays with Hank's fingers. There is something that shifts in Hank's cold black heart. Without him even noticing, he starts to play with the young grunt. 

- You return to your and Hank's shared loft, where you find Hank gently holding the baby as he sits in a chair. "so cute..." You heard him mumble. You could have died right there from the unusual scene before you. 

- From that day forward, Hank has made progress bonding with the child. So far he has accepted the child as his own. But he took very long to realize that he has a family now. Together with you; His beloved, and his child; Junior. 

- one night, when it was his turn to comfort the baby. Slightly rocking the gruntling in his arms. Looking down at the child, he vows to be a better father than his own was. 
You got up at some point, watching Hank handle Junior. Something is mesmerizing about watching the state-wide feared killing machine be so gentle. 


Sanford :

- He panicked when he saw the gruntling. Where did you get that?! Did you steal it? Oh, you found it...Why'd you brought it here? 

- He is scared, okay? He has no idea what to do. worried he might hurt the little creature. He stays away at first, looking from a distance as you handle the baby. 

- Deimos tells Sanford to "man up, and be there for them!" And Sanford gives in. 

- This biggest challenge of all was holding the baby.
You had to get something and quickly handed the child to Sanford.
"Bu-but I don't!" But you left before he could object.
Sanford takes a seat, observing the tiny being in his arms. It's so tiny compared to himself! He fell in love right away.

- You didn't get the child back when you return from your errand. So you just took a seat next to him and leaned on his arm while watching the baby in his arms. 

- That moment the two of you feel ready for parenthood. 

- Sanford is a natural when it comes to caring for the child. Although he thinks he does it badly. You always encourage him that he's doing fantastic. 

- One time, While you're on a mission, Sanford has stayed with the child. The two of you can't go on missions at the same time. He is teaching the baby to speak, the most he got out of Junior are babbles that vaguely represent what Sanford wanted him to say.  

- Once you returned, Sanford excitedly tells you about the progress he's made with Junior. You feel giddy as you listen to him talk on and on with a big prideful smile. 

- The baby said his first word while Sanford was feeding him and you were eating breakfast. "Baba!" the gruntling babbles after getting a mouthful of food. Sanford almost cried, to him it felt like the baby was trying to call him dad. 


Deimos :

- "Whoa! (Y/n) whatcha got there!" Deimos is curious about the gruntling you brought home with you. 

- Deimos has accepted the baby the fastest out of them all. Although he treated it more like a pet at first. 

- (I imagine Deimos being the youngest of the 4 by mid-twenties) He had to really warm up to the fact that a baby is a life-long commitment. He's a little scared, but luckily you're here to help him!

- You don't have experience with children either, you and Deimos are discovering together. He loves to play with the child when he can. 

- You told Deimos to stop smoking around the child. You don't care if he smokes, just don't smoke around the baby. He agrees and leaves the room when he feels like he needs a smoke. 

- The first word that the gruntling said was Deimos' name... But only the first syllable. When he heard Junior utter "Dei.", Deimos smiles a wide toothy smile and keeps smiling for the rest of the day. 

- Deimos can play with Junior all day. And late in the evening when you come home. You find your two most beloved asleep on a blanket on the floor. Deimos loosely hugging his child. It made you smile. As you put Junior in his crib and wake Deimos up to take him to bed. 

- Deimos really feels like a father by now. He may not look like it, but he will kill anybody that threatens his family. Also, he feels the need to marry you, but how...

- If neither he nor you can look after your child, It's Sanford that frequently babysits Junior. Deimos calls Sanford, "Uncle Sanford." and he's basically a god-father now... If something were to happen to both you and Deimos. Sanford becomes the child's guardian. let's hope that doesn't happen.  

- Deimos uses his father's title to get sympathy from enemies. "Don't kill me! I'm a father!" Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


2Bdamned :

- He was hesitant at first. Luckily he understands your reason for bringing the gruntling in. 

- "Is he healthy?" He asks while examining the baby. Genuinely worried about the child's well being. 

- Once he made sure the baby is healthy. He's a bit at a loss. "now what?" He questions while holding the child. "we're parents now." You reply. 

- Doc is more protective than the others, it's very dangerous to try to raise a child in this environment. He wants the child to stay at HQ at all times. And once the child needs schooling, he will home-school junior himself. 

- 2Bdamned loves to cuddle with the baby, he even keeps the baby on his chest while he's working in his office space. 

- His favourite pass time is to cuddle with you and Junior. genuinely he loves to spend time with his family. And always secretly fears every time it might be the last... 

- Junior loves to grab at Doc's mask. And his grip is getting pretty strong as he basically has a game of tug with Doc. "Let go of daddy's goggles, sweet-pea." 2B says as Junior is pulling his goggles off completely, not letting go. 

- 2Bamned believes that censoring things for the gruntling is useless and that he has to get used to the violence of the world you live in eventually. 

- A little later, 2Bdamned asked you to marry him. Of course, you married him! (Or else you wouldn't be here) 

- Out of all of them, 2Bdamned makes the best father. But they'd all make decent parents in the end. Hank is not a top tier dad, but not the worst. 



Madness daddies. 

thanks for reading.

- Smilex.

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