2Bdamned : head-canons

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- You have always been a loose contact to 2Bdamned. Often a person to keep heads up about what is happening in the district you reside in at the time. 

- He has never met you in person yet, neither have you. You know him as an ally and that's all there is to it... for now.

- You see, 2Bdamned knows your location by a tracker. You also track him for contact purposes. One day he has noticed via the tracker that you're nearby this time! Only a few kilometres away from his location. 

- He knows there are more important things at hand. But his own curiosity is eating at him, and he wants to meet the faceless ally that he gave him so much useful information. Are you really as trustworthy as he assumes to be?

- If you are a spy... You would have snitched on him and his team long ago right? The A.A.H.W doesn't like to waste time and resources. 

- That being said, he sends you a message;
2Bdamned: "I can see you're nearby. How about we exchange information in person this time?"

(you): "I'll send info for a location to meet. Then i can tell you about all the new things i have got. See you soon." 

You send him coordinates to a location. And he agrees with the place you picked. 

- A few days in preparation, and he feels ready. Both information and weapons by his side, for if you really are a spy. Much to his relief and surprise, you showed up with the same idea. Armed with both knowledge and weapons, You surprised each other with the barrel of a gun. 

- You laughed and lowered your weapon. proving your alliance and deeming trustworthy. 
You share your newfound (very useful) information with him and he shares his. 

- You're glad to meet him, you have always imagined what he looks like. However, his features are covered by a mask and goggles so you still can't tell. 

- 2Bdamned has decided to trust you fully now. He wants to work with you, and not just over messages this time. He wants you to join the team! 

- You meet the rest of the team; Hank, Sanford and Deimos, and a few others. You became an active informant to the team. 

- You got closer with Sanford the quickest. He finds your information about where the enemy is most active or where to look out for very useful! 


- 2Bdamned views you as 'one of the smart ones. A bit more on his level he can convert with. 

- He sees how you're willing to help him if he needs it. But this man can be quite stubborn about needing help. So you have to be a bit pushy about it. 

- Doc was surprised to hear that you have to go out on missions to get all that valuable information you always have. 
You explain that on missions past enemy lines, you rely heavily on stealth and ambush. You don't kill as often as the others. 

- 2Bdamned requested a demonstration. You showed your skills in stealth and catching enemies by surprise. Needless to say, Doc is impressed. A whole different fighting style to what he has seen before. 

- If you come back wounded, 2B will help you with your injuries. Sometimes you deny help because some wounds are not so severe and you can treat them yourself. 

- He has discovered that you're in fact, very knowledgeable in what you do.

- Sanford and Deimos are also impressed by your skills, all the more skills on this team the better.

- Hank doesn't see the point in your sneaky skills. He prefers head-on brutality and finds your way of working quite boring.

- What Doc liked the most about knowing you; is that you're full of surprises. You taught him a few new things and techniques that even he didn't know about. 

- By the way, how friendly you are, the skills you possess. 2Bdamned wished he has made contact with you earlier. 

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