Dr Crackpot : Head-canons

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- You've seen him around, that mask of his is hard to ignore. 

- You know him as Dr Crackpot. Christoff has told you about him, in a very spiteful manner. It is clear that Christoff and Crackpot don't like each other. 

- From what you have heard, Crackpot experiments on dead bodies. As immoral as these experiments sound, it can't help but pique your interest. 

- One day, during a coffee break, you walk up to Crackpot and introduce yourself to him. He seemed to recognize you by face since the two of you work in the same division, but never really talked to each other before. 

- After you bravely introduced yourself to him, a rough acquaintance started. 

- Christoff wasn't happy with how you seem to spend more time with Crackpot. He warned you about him and basically lied about a few things to scare you away from Crackpot. 

- It didn't work obviously, you got interested in what Crackpot is working on. And once you asked him what he was doing, he got really excited. He grabs your hand and takes you to his labs and shows you his work. 

- Proudly he shows what he and his assistants have been working on. Inserting the S3LF into dead bodies instead of living ones. An interesting experiment indeed, you agreed. 

- Without Crackpot ever asking, you dedicated your own work to help Crackpot and his team. You were so interested in the effects of the S3LF that go into the corpses. 

- However, with most of your energy going into the Z project. Your own research started to slip. You couldn't come up with new research by the deadline and eventually, you got fired for lack of performance. 

- Crackpot sounded upset when you announced your departure to him. But he wished you good luck on your next journey and waved you goodbye as you left. 


- You have spent some time without a purpose, wondering around Nevada looking for something to do. What you did most of the time was survive off of scraps. 

- Sometime later, there was this outbreak in the cities, an undead outbreak. Many people would be scared, but this outbreak only intrigued you. So you decided to make your way back to the cities. 

- Once in the cities, you took the time to observe the Zeds thoroughly. Your theory is that these monsters are the result of Crackpot's project, it would make the most sense. Speaking of... Where is Crackpot? Now that you're thinking about him, you kind of miss him and his antics. 

- What made you decide to look for him, he must still be here in the city. Crack is the type of guy to watch his project unfold himself. 

- So, you went to look for him. Happy with any clue that you could find to his location. Spending some time snooping around your old workplace, you found a trace of Crackpot and what happened to him. 

- Your trace brought you to the mines under the city, you thought the mines were abandoned but apparently not. So far your travel down the mines is long and you already crave natural light. 

- You stumble across some fanatic believers, praising some cryptic symbols. The believers took a hostile stance once they noticed you, but lowered their guard once you proved that you didn't mean any harm. You explain that your trace took you down here to look for a friend; Crackpot. One Fanatic is kind enough to lead you further into the mines to take you to the man you want to see so badly. 

- The fanatic guides you to the main altar of the cult, and there you find the person you have been wanting to see this whole time. His attire is so different, but you can still recognise the bright glowing goggle from miles. 

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