Fluffy Grunt : head-canons

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- You watch in astonishment as the capsule opens with a loud hiss. Steam rolling down over the tiled floor. The clipboard you were holding, slides from your grip and clatters to the ground.

- This wasn't supposed to happen. Did you get the volumes wrong? What the hell? You were supposed to create a new super soldier to kill this random serial killer that you couldn't care less about. 

- Your volunteer (test subject), has shrunken in size. Most noticeable, he has grown fur.
He looks up at you, his expression is unreadable. What is this? 
For a moment you could do nothing but scare, the creature staring right back at you. His behaviour right now is the same as someone who has just woken up from a good night's rest. Giving you a groggy look. 

- Shakily, you grab the small creature by his scruff, inspecting him. His coat feels the same as that of a sheep, thick yet soft. He looks harmless and doesn't seem to be in any pain. That's good at least.
You take both your hand to hold him properly, he seems to appreciate that.

- "Hey, can you hear me?" You ask the fluffy creature. The creature squirms in your hold, looking around as if looking for anwers. Then his eyes meet yours again. 

- He seems to understand certain cues, however, his intelligence is reduced. He can't talk anymore, nor use his hands that have turned into paws. 

- He made a soft noise, close to a guinea pig's squeak, or a kitten. His new fur feels so soft in your hands. If the other scientists find out about this creature, they'll kill him! And believe that this is the result of a failure. You can't bring yourself to dispose of this creature. 

- You hold out your finger for the small creature to inspect, he pokes it and then takes hold of it with both paws. 

- It's so... Cute. Such a small and vulnerable looking thing. You feel the strong need to protect him.

- You take the small fluffy grunt and put him in your lab coat for safekeeping, and once your shift is done you can take him home.

- The creature wouldn't stop squirming in your coat, and the tiny squeaks he made almost got your caught. 

- Once at home, you think things over. The fluffy creature runs around your house like a hyper kitten. 

- While you go through your usual after-work routine, get a drink, shower and rest. 

- The fluffy grunt seems to be done exploring and trots back to you, sitting before your feet as if he wants something from you. 

- "You must be hungry." You stand up again and get the creature something to eat. The Fluffy grunt walks after you, stumbling like a young kitten. 

- You're not sure what this creature would like to eat, so you assume that this creature was once a normal grunt, he would like normal food. 

- You tried to feed him some cornflakes, but he seems to be more interested in the leftovers from the meal you made yesterday. So you shared your meal with him. However, the little guy got a little too excited and got really messy. There is food all in his fur, you have no choice but the wash him. If you don't want the leftover to get all over the floor. 

- The fluffy grunt was very unhappy with your idea to bathe him, hissing and scratching as you lower him into the warm bathwater. But eventually, the creature grew tolerant of the warm water. 

-  After the bath, you did your best to dry your, fluffy creature, off with a towel, but you're afraid you might need the hair-dryer for this. After hair-drying the little guy, he looked extra fluffy, which made you laugh a little. 

- Once he is all dry and his fur back to normal, it's already time to go to bed. And the little grunt seems just as tired as you are. 

- You made a bed for him, and he climbed into it right away, curling up and going to sleep. You yawn and get ready to go to bed yourself. 

- While you're in bed sleeping. The little guy feels lonely in his own bed, and can't get comfortable anymore. 

- Fluffy stands up and attempts to find you. stumbling around the house, squeaking like a kitten for your attention. Eventually, he finds his way up the stairs somehow and finds your room where you're sleeping. 

- From your nightstands, Fluffy climbs onto your bed. And it feels so much warmer here. He crawls up to find a comfortable spot in the crook of your neck. Kneads the pillow and curls up. 

- The next morning you wake up but something tickles your face, opening your eyes, you come to face the fluffy grunt. Standing on your chest, probably asking for breakfast. 

Fluffy grunts are the cutest things!

Thanks for reading.
- Smilex

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