Jebus : Head-canons

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- A friend of a friend, is all you are to Christoff. He has seen you interact with Dr Hoffnar on multiple occasions. And the looks of it, the two of you seem to be good friends. 

- It's Strange how Hoffnar doesn't mention you to Christoff. And only when he asked about you did he get some information. Dr (L/n) has a lot of the same interests and energy as Hoffnar, that's what Christoff assumed from what little information he got about you. 

- What Christoff does is watch you and Hoffnar interact with each other from afar. You're very cheerful and positive, if not a little naive. 

- Eventually, you approached Christoff and introduced yourself with a friendly smile. He is a little thrown off by your optimism when he meets you personally. 

- After several days, he eventually warmed up to your bright mood. If he had a bad day at the office, your smile and quirky remarks made his day a little more bearable. 

- Having someone with your attitude is rare these days. Even Christoff noticed how brooding everyone is, including himself. Along with Hoffnar and you, you're a group of good friends. 

- Right the moment he enters the Science tower, you're there up bright and early, greeting him with your best smile. That pearly grin of yours is almost blinding. 

- And the moment you went missing... That made him very sad as well... Hoffnar was hysterical over your disappearance. And Christoff was already theorizing on why or how you disappeared. A pinboard dedicated to all his theories hangs in his room. From kidnapping to rebellion. 

- With you no longer greeting him with your shining smile, Christoff is back to his brooding self, but a bit more negative than before. 

- Although the moment he realizes what the science tower is all about, along with Director Phobos. As gets fired, he wonders if he'll really ever see you again... 


- And he did see you again, it was so sudden that he thought he was seeing things at first. But there you were when he took and second glance. And still that very same smile on your face as you were held at gunpoint by the Aahw. 

- Of course, Jebus got you out of there for it felt like the right thing to do at the moment. What he didn't prepare for was everything else. 

- At first, he was just as grumpy as he once was. While you were still all smiles and giggles just like you were before he was fired. Something about that 

- he always acts annoyed by your behaviour, and can't understand how you're so happy-go-lucky in a world like this.

- You think he's being all Negative Nancy and needs some cheering up. While Jebus is here to cleanse the world of evil (in a questionable way). Your sole mission seems to be to see him smile, just once.

- It is common for Jebus to be the one to get you both out of trouble. No matter what you did, it's never truly your fault and he never really blamed you for anything.

- You were just trying to make some more friends and those agents just started blasting!

- There is something about the thought of you dying that upsets Jebus, you've voluntarily been by his side for so long that you have grown on him quite a lot.

- He believes it would be a good idea to teach you some self-defence. At first, you were against the idea of fighting, but he convinced you that it's only to fight the mean people like the agents that tried to kill you. So you eventually agreed to get training.

- You being able to defend yourself makes Jebus feel a bit better. Knowing that you're not completely hopeless in combat anymore, relieves some stress on his side. He is glad you can protect yourself now.

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