Phobos : head-canons

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- Ah, your greatest foe; Phobos. You don't wanna hear a single thing of he has to say.

- You're another being of power, both in reign and in skills. however, you're not an employer
You enforce your zero bullshit policy with an iron fist.

- And yet, this cyclops looking bastard who dares to calm himself a god, wants an alliance with you. The moment you heard this from one of your assistants, you went into an irritated rant about Director Phobos. "who does he think he is?!" You shout, and your worker cowers as you rage on.

- On a relationship level you want nothing to do with him (for now). But this alliance sounds promising. A good first step is to destroy the Status Quo. Your spies informed you that Phobos owns a powerful army, you could use that very well...

- You accepted and an alliance was formed, this news shocked the S.Q. Your enemies.

- Director Phobos requested a meeting with you, and during that meeting; he was being insufferable. You're not on one line with this man, and this alliance will fall soon enough, you hoped at least.

- The Director believes you fear him. But much to his dismay, you don't fear him. But he irritates you a lot. He makes a grand entrance into your office. But you don't look impressed, staring at him with disinterest. 

- You got so fed up with his 'holier than thou' bull that you slam your hands on your desk, and demand he leaves your office. He stares at you for a moment and then laughs. Then he starts to taunt you, bad move. 

- He didn't budge once you threatened again and ordered him to begone, so you used your powers to lunch him out of the large office window. Back to where he came from.

- Phobos wasn't mad about that incident, by the way, it's just what he hoped for as he was testing your patience that day. 


- More meetings, more suffering on your side. You're sitting there at your desk, rubbing your temples as you try to drown out Phobos' blabbering. His delusions of grandeur are a leading cause of your headaches these days.  

- Later you complain to Auditor on the phone about Phobos.
"Why did you form a pact with him then?" Auditor questions in an irritated tone.
" it was a pure business move." You defend your own choices.

- the meetings go like this :
Phobos is walking around the office, having an evil monologue. You're just sitting there, wondering what to have for dinner tonight.

- "(Y/N) PAY ATTENTION!!" He yells and resumes his rambling.

- Phobos finds you useful on many levels. Your troops, your influence and similar plans to take over Nevada. And most likely the rest of the world.

- "I'll finally get the recognition I deserve." He says dramatically.
" Whatever you say, Director." You respond, leaning on the desk with your head in your hand.

- And he has looked forward to this partnership. And so far he's not complaining. He has known about you before actually meeting you, and your impatience and direct attitude were not unknown to him.

- Phobos only got more intrigued really. You are an individual that he has taken interest in. He's curious about you and wants to know more about you. 

- However, you're still very mean and be believes you hate him. And he is going to change that soon. Right now he just takes joy in the verbal fights he has with you.

- "You incompetent fool. At least pretend to listen for once." he sneers playfully, just to get on your nerves. Your eye twitches, "Listen here you cyclops brat! I rule an entire empire on my own. You've got nothing on me!" you growl. 

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