Skittles : Head-canons

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- (some time ago, I saw a fanfic where Skittles is Hank's little brother. And I like that concept)

- "Big brother!" A chipper voice is heard from the entrance of the place the team has taken a re-fudge in. Everyone in the room perks up at the new voice. whoever it was, he knew somebody in this team.

- Hank groans in annoyance, he crushed whatever he had in his hands. Big Brother? Does Hank have a sibling? The sound of footsteps gets loud as the mystery visitor gets closer. 

- Then a person arrives in the sort of living room. A guy with a very friendly attitude, wearing a light blue shirt wrapped in colourful ribbons. He smiles and waves, holding a teddy bear in his other hand. 

- this cheery guy walks up to Hank and fearlessly wraps his arms around him in a hug pinning Hank's arms to his sides, shocking everyone else. The colourful guy nuzzles into Hank. "I missed you!" he mumbles into Hank's chest.

- As expected, Hank roughly pushes the cheery guy away. Him stumbling back a falling to the floor. "Owie!" He cries. 

- "Damn it Skittles, I left you at the bakery for a reason!" Hank sneers at Skittles. Skittles looks up at his older brother, a brief moment of surprise on his face before shifting back to a grin. 

- You're nice enough to walk over to the cheery guy and help him off the ground. Skittles dusts himself off while you bend down to grab his teddy bear and hand it back to him. 

- "I'm not mad at you for forgetting me, it's okay though!" Skittles waves his hand dismissively. Then he turns to you.

- "My name is Skittles. What's yours?" He introduces himself with a big smile. "I'm (Y/n)." You reply. Skittles' grin doesn't falter, "nice to meet you."

- Hank grumbles something, it's too muffled by his mask to understand, "guys, this is Skittles; my... my younger brother." He gestures to his brother. Skittles turns to Hank and giggles. "You remember me!"


- Hank wanted nothing to do with his little brother, ignoring him and continuously pushing him away every time Skittles tried to get close to him.

- But that didn't stop Skittles from chasing his older brother around like a duckling. Big eyes of admiration while following Hank. 

- "who the hell is this?" 2Bdamned says, gesturing to Skittles who got Hank in a tight hug yet again.

- "Apparently, it's Hank's brother." Sanford answers. Doc hums and taps his chin while thinking. Doc explains that as long as Skittles doesn't touch anything, he can stay. Hank disagreed, wishing his little brother get rid of him right away.  

- Skittles meets Sanford and Deimos, and he seems to be surprised that Hank has friends, claiming that he always scared everyone away when the brothers were young. Hank got offended at that. 

- Sanford tries to stay nice, but he finds Skittles a little annoying and doesn't understand how this guy can be so happy in Nevada. Deimos simply doesn't like Skittles, he wouldn't say why. 

- 2Bdamned doesn't mind Hank's little brother but finds him a bit annoying at times. Because even when told off, Skittle is still touching his stuff!

- You don't know who this Skittles person is. Al you can say right now is that you're greatly surprised but this guy's cheeriness. And you're willing to get to know him more. 

- Hank is already attempting to abandon his little brother somewhere, hoping he'll get killed this time. You try to stop him, you don't understand why Hank has such a grudge against his family member. 

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