Tricky : headcanons

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- It was a usual day. You're having a chat with the friendly hotdog vendor. Something you usually do when visiting. 

- Then suddenly, The vendor's face pales up. You ask him what is wrong, but he doesn't answer you. You understand when you turn to look in the direction the vendor is looking. 

- There, in the far distance, a street sign gets closer and closer. 

- You shield your eyes from the sun with your hand to get a better look, it's indeed getting closer. 

- The moment the sign is in closer proximity, a figure jumps out of the ground. You almost dropped your hotdog out of surprise. 

- Strange things happen all the time in Nevada these days, but this is a first. A green clown with bright orange hair approached and cackled. 

- The clown slams his free hand on the vendor's cart and demands; "I WANT HOTDOG! SWEET & SOUR SAUCE! PLEASE!" Well... at least he said please...

- The vendor doesn't hesitate to make a hotdog for this clown. 

- "THANK YOU!" The clown thanks the vendor, and then his head snaps towards you! He caught you staring. 

- "HI! BYE!" He waves briefly at you and then leaves as quickly as he arrives. Both you and the Vendor stare out as the street sign disappears in the distance. 


- You came across this weird zombie clown a few more times, after the first meeting. 

- "HEY! YOU! YOU! I KNOW YOU!" A loud voice you recognize as that green clown. 

- He races towards you and seems very happy to see you even though you only met him once. And not event officially.

- You're taken aback for sure as he vibrates in one place, he must have gotten a lot of sugar or some drug...

- "who-who are you again?" You ask carefully. He reminded you of an escaped psych-patient.

- "TRICKY" He exclaimed proudly. Pointing a thumb at his chest.
You can't help but smile a little, the behaviour of this guy is already entertaining for you.

- Tricky took you by your hand, his skin feels rough and leathery. You didn't know where he was taking you, but at least he jogs and doesn't dig around.

- He took you to the bakery for a pastry. Well... you took a pastry and he took an entire apple pie. "YOU GONNA EAT THAT?" He asks as he finished his pie in less than a minute. "Get away dude, this one is mine!" You jokingly push him back a little. Making the Clown cackle. 

- And that's how it began, a friendship with this weird zombie clown guy. He'd show up every once in a while and take you places. 

- You never expected yourself to become good friends with a weird zombie clown, and yet here you are!


- You heard Tricky call you his best friend multiple times. Not that it's not true, no. You'd consider the clown a good friend too by now. 

- Tricky is the best at cheering you up when you're down. "WHY ARE YOU SAD?!" He would question, and then take your hand to take you someplace fun and cheer you up. 

- And you're there for him too! When the Clown is upset or bored he looks for you. 
You always make him happy with the ordinary life you live. 

- However, that life didn't stay so ordinary after you met the Clown. Strange things started to happen, The sky is gone now, and all the other grunts are so hostile now. You had to learn to fight to defend yourself and not land in an early grave. 

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