Auditor : head-canons

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- You have a chance to walk the ranks. And you're going to take it.

-.No matter how much the people of higher rank tried to keep you in one spot, it didn't stop you.

- along for this deep-seated hatred from this guy who shows up randomly and keeps killing the agents there and leaving the location unusable.

- You have proven many wrongs and now you're in a high ranking position, you're the one to order people around yourself.

- You have witnessed the boss; the Auditor, lose his temper pretty often. But you're not afraid of him at all. 

- You're rank is high enough to be able to work with the boss of bosses. Of course, you're aware of the Auditor, you work for him actually.

- However, you were in such a position that you mostly did the paperwork and stuff like that. Someone got to keep track of things around here! Luckily you're not alone in this and have some co-workers that go through all that paperwork with you. 

- What you hate the most about your work is that these criminals keep raiding locations. All that damage done costs you a lot of time in paperwork and reports of these raids.

- So, you and Auditor have mutual foes. You don't want them dead necessarily, you just hate all the paperwork.

- Besides, this whole agency is hellbent on killing one person and his friends, because the agency believes he's too dangerous to be left alive. 
You haven't met this Hank Wimbleton yourself, so you can't judge him personally. Everyone keeps saying that he kills anyone on sight. And from the raid reports you go through, it makes sort of sense.

- All you want is that this Hank person stops creating so much paperwork that you have to deal with. 

- As the head-person of paper deals, the Auditor confronts you on any happenings. Meaning you interact with him quite a lot. 


- Now, you have earned the Auditor's trust. Congrats! Well... not completely but, it's a start.

- You work much closer with him and a relationship is building a bit. You could call it that.

- You help him go through the paperwork part of his job, and if he asks for a drink you get him one.

- "That is, for now, you're free to go." That's your cue and you bid the Auditor goodbye and leave his office space. He sits there by himself now, no other being in the room other than him. The ticking clock on the wall is the only noise in the room.

- Suddenly he wishes for you to return. This silence in unpleasant to him.

- Then he realized it's weak to think like that and resumes his work, but the feeling lingers.

- He rewards your hard work, you don't have to pay for lunch served at the lunchroom.

- And got a promotion yay! You're now the Auditor's assistant. This means you get a bigger office and even more paperwork... that's not so yay... But you do spend a lot more time with him than before. Not only that, you have more people working under you. 

- "At least you're competent, (Y/n)." He told you once quietly as if he didn't want you to hear it. Was that a compliment? 

- The Auditor seems to have trust in you. In the way he has you work over documents with sensitive information. You take pride in that fact. 


- You'd be surprised, that such a menacing figure as Auditor could have such a sweet tooth. He often drinks sugary sodas. You learned later that all that sugar doesn't affect him at all, lucky him...

- Uttering his name kind of... summons him? Well... every time you mention him, he happens to be nearby. Weird... As if listening in on conversion about him

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