Quartermaster Bert : head-canons

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- One day, while you were walking through the street. You so happen to look at a wall and find a recruiting flyer. It was very vague, the flyer was asking for people who are not afraid to kill to come to a specific address. 

- It sounds like a job for you, as you were an ex-con. Got caught for selling stolen goods... Maybe it will go right this time. You take the flyer and got to the address right away. 

- It was a reformed building in an ally. it looks way better on the inside. You greet the breaded man in the lobby and explain that you responded to the recruiting flyer. The older man smiles at you and tells you to take a seat somewhere in the lobby. Along with two other people. 

- A little while later, the Boss came down and hired everyone who came for the recruiting. Great! You've got a job again!

- You went on a mission with Boss a few times. Which helps you get more skills. 

- One time while you were exploring your new home. You come across the quartermaster. 

- "Ay ay, how are ye." he smirks at you and waves friendly. He looks a little shifty, but friendly enough once you get to know him better maybe. 

- You introduce yourself to him and his grin grows. "I've got the goods, anythin' ye like. I've got ya. And for an affordable price." He winks. Much later you understand that he squirmed himself in the base and sells armour and weapons. Which is more useful than it sounds. 

- After he told you about his business he told you his name; Bert, or Q-Bert as many call him. You just call him Bert. 

- he tried to sell you something, but you told him "later."  and left because the Boss called you for a mission. 


- Bert being the man with the goods, you show up as his little shop quite often. And while you're browsing through his stock. You make small talk and get to know him better. 

- You got to know him a lot better. He had a very interesting answer when you asked why he began selling all this stuff. One simple answer that stuck with you. "I grew up with nothin'..." He said in a rather solemn tone. He gained his composure quickly and his usual smirk returns.

- You bought some throwing daggers and left to get to work again. 

- You didn't see him for a while, purposefully avoiding his shop. You just had to save some money to buy more efficient weapons, and every time you visited him, you left with more than what you were originally looking for.

- You've saved a lot of money to get a nicer rifle. Bert is happy to see you and even happier that you're willing to spend money. You bought a big, powerful gun. And Bert seems to agree with your choice. 

- Bert is a bit of a chatter-box. He can go on and on and on about the product you mildly show any interest in. If a purchase is made, he can also talk about random subjects that come to mind. 

- he often asks you about the latest news, since he doesn't leave the HQ much. See if anything is interesting going on outside of the base. 

-  He's easy to entertain, as long as it's something money-related. He loves to hear about your saving plans! Tell him everything, please!

- surprisingly, Bert doesn't drink (not anymore). He claimed that eventually, the alcohol cost too much money to keep up such a habit. 

- At this point, you start to suspect that Bert has some unchecked issues deep inside. But how are you doing t address this? Perhaps become better friends before talking about such personal subjects first. 

Madness combat x Reader (Head-canons)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora