Deimos : head-canons

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- You threw the shades to the floor, dropped your weapon and left the agency without looking back. Your time in this agency has always felt like it's... not real. And you seem to be the only agent to feel that way. 

- After walking for what felt like forever. You come across a British pilot who helped you escape from the agency and become your own person. 
- Dave, the British pilot. is a very friendly and helpful guy. But just as troubled himself, with his drinking problem. Let's just say... drinking and operating an aircraft don't go hand in hand. 
And you learned how to fly that flying vehicle rather quickly if Dave was too drunk to fly it himself. 

- You became best friends when you helped Dave get sober. And you became an official co-pilot to him. 

- You discover that Dave is part of an organization called the; Status Que. or S.Q. The group fights against Nexus and the A.A.H.W or something. Going against the A.A.H.W in such an extreme way sounds intriguing as an ex-agent. And you told Dave that you're interested in joining.

- Dave was ecstatic upon hearing that. And without wasting any more time. He takes you to the headquarters. 

- There you got trained and became an official part of the team, as the pilot's assistant and co-pilot. As you already were before.

- Around this time, some other infamous members return to the headquarters in the city, Hank Wimbleton, Sanford, Deimos and 2Bdamned. 

- Deimos stood out to you, and you didn't know why. But you wanted to get to know him better. 

- You're role is assisting Dave with taking S.Q, members to missions or transporting weapons and supplies. 


- You know Deimos as this funny guy around the headquarters. You didn't know him all that well yet. 

- You officially meet him while at the weapon bench, near the quartermaster's shop. You bump into each other while you were getting a new part for the helicopter. 

- Deimos has never seen you before and wanted to know who you are. He spoke to you first. 

- That's how the loose connection started. 

- If Deimos saw you somewhere; he would call your name, wave until you waved back. 
Sanford asked; "Who's that?" 
"That's (Y/n), the pilot's assistant," Deimos explains with a grin. 

-  Now, every time that Deimos has a chance to talk to you. Say you bump into him at some point, he will try and get to know you and be your friend! How nice!

- Sometimes you and Dave have to take Deimos and Sanford on a mission with the flying vehicle. The two always greet you and Dave happily when arriving on the helipad. 

- Seeing Deimos with a toothy grin always makes you grin back. 

- As you fly to your destination, you can hear Deimos crack some jokes with not many enthusiastic responses.

- aside from taking him places with the helicopter, and occasionally running into him at the base, you didn't interact with him all that much.

- Even though something is interesting about him, you feel.


- Dave pushed you to interact with Deimos more, to make some more friends around the team. Which you agreed, you could use some more friendly faces in your life. 

- Deimos is more than happy to entertain you with dumb jokes and stories. Out of all the members of the S.Q. He has the best ones. 

- One time, you caught Deimos going around the base on a skateboard. And you couldn't be more surprised and interested!

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