Sheriff : head-canons

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I could totally write this as a full three-chapter story if I really want to...

- When you were young, you defended a kid from bullies at school. 
After that you became friends with that kid, he was really into cowboys and western cowboy movies. You spend after school watching those movies with him.

- After getting off school you didn't see him anymore, which is too bad you were good friends with him. 

- You fell into a life of crime to survive. And eventually, became a wanted Grunt. Posters with your face all around Nevada. 

- Sheriff stares at the wanted poster with your face on it. There is quite a hefty reward for your capture.

- Where has he seen that face before? It looks so familiar, like the face of a friend you haven't seen in so long.
... That's it! His childhood friend (Y/n)! They're a criminal now?

- Too bad, one time you got clumsy and got yourself caught. It was strange to reunite with your childhood friend from the other side of the metal bars.  

- "Well well..." Sheriff greet with a tip of his hat. "What a reunion eh?" The things think the same thing you're thinking. 

- The sheriff proposes a deal, he'll let you go if you help him catch some people. You ponder for a moment. "Oh c'mon (Y/n)! It'll be just like old times!" He encourages you to accept his offer. 

- Just like old times... There were times when you missed your only friend back then...

- So, you accept. Reaching your hand through the bars to shake his and make the deal official. 


- Deal! You shake his hand firmly. In exchange for your freedom, you help an old friend of yours. Sheriff smirks and lets your hand go, fumbling with the keys to free you from your cell. 

- And just like old times. Nothing much changed about him since you last saw him, only that he got older. All bark and no bite he still is. 

- When you were little, you'd chase the bullies away for him. It was always you who protected him. And Sheriff admired your bravery. Which actually became his main goal in his life. 
'I want to be just as brave as (Y/n) is.' That's how he encourages himself through life. 

- You have no idea how happy he is to have his protector with him again.

- He believes he's the leader of the two of you... But really, you're the one who comes with the good ideas and does all the hard work. He sort of goes along with everything you do. 

- "You right (Y/n). You always are..." He often says. 

- You're always sick and tired of him and his cowardice. And don't return his mutual friendliness right away, you have better things to do than babysitting this incompetent Sheriff. 

- You still view him as that scared little boy that follows you around all the time with big eyes filled with admiration. 

- Then again... He was your only friend. Maybe it's time to be a little nicer to him don't you think? Remember the good time you had as kids. But the criminal life hardened your heart, it will take some time. 

- "I have an idea this time (Y/-" Shut up coward..." ouch...


- Over time... Your heart softened again. And you started to work together with Sheriff, giving him a chance to give some input on plans and ideas. 

- And once Jebus joined in to stop Hank, things got funnier. Jebus didn't like you for being a criminal and stuff. And Sheriff is third-wheeling in your plans. But sometimes you let Sheriff have a say in things, much to Jebus' annoyance. 

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